Thursday, May 24, 2018



More people believe in God than don’t.
According to an ancient text: “The fool says in his heart there is no God.”
Then there is a group of people the Apostle Paul met in Athens who even made an inscription to ‘the Unknown God.’
I don't like religions that create its own mystique, pomp and ceremony or result in violence and hatred.
God created man and man creates religion, and misrepresents God, how sad. Many people have a false idea of God.
Knowing God is not the same as knowing about God.
It is silly to fight over God.
The ancient Chinese emperors offered a border sacrifice to God and Chinese written characters tell an astounding story similar to what I read in Genesis.
God is about coming to one's senses and turning to him but that takes time.
When I look at the vastness of outer space, and the wonder of our blue planet, I find it harder not to believe in God.
I unashamedly believe in God though it took time for me to discover the way to him.
Aliens? What happens if we find a planet full of starving aliens?
I think the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most loving message about God’s care for humans yet it is also the most hated message.
Knowing God and loving him is the best anyone can do.
Some of the world’s greatest past and present scientists believe in God and I agree with Stephen Hawkins that “science is about unraveling the mind of God.”
God is too compelling to be ignored.
Those who seek God will find him but they must be willing to leave behind their false ideas and things they have been taught that are untrue.
Born into a religion that does not believe in a Creator God one day I read Genesis, the Book of Beginnings in the Bible and discovered God.