Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Story Behind The Song

 “God is good all the time” is a powerful declaration that has touched many lives around the world. This song was written by Don Moen, one of the most celebrated American gospel singers and songwriters.

1.1 The Inspiration Behind the Song

As with most of his compositions, Don Moen’s “God is Good All the Time” was inspired by a specific event in his life. According to him, the idea for the song came during one of his visits to Ghana, West Africa, where he had been invited to lead worship at a conference. 

During the trip, Don witnessed firsthand the hardships that the locals endured daily. Despite the struggles they faced, ranging from poverty to social injustice, Don saw their undying faith in God and the hope they held onto despite everything.

“The message of the song really resonated because I saw first-hand the incredible faith of people who love God even when things aren’t going well for them. They trust Him no matter what,” says Don about his inspiration for the song.

After experiencing all of these emotions, Don felt compelled to write a song that would help people focus on God’s goodness despite challenging circumstances.

1.2 The Song Writing Process

For Don, writing “God is Good All the Time” was a straightforward process. The melody and lyrics came to him naturally as he reflected on his experiences in Ghana. He did not set out with any preconceived ideas or structure for the song, but rather let it flow freely.

According to him, writing music is “an emotional experience that flows from your heart when you open your spirit towards God.” This statement explains the depth of emotion that every line of the song carries.

“I went back to my hotel room after the first night’s conference, and the chorus of the song just hit me! I wrote down the words, then at 3 am, they became part of the verse,” Don shares about the song.

1.3 The Impact of the Song

Once written, “God is Good All the Time” quickly became one of Moen’s most popular songs. Its message resonated with people worldwide, providing them with hope, joy, and peace despite overwhelming trials and tribulations.

Through this song’s verses, millions have found solace by acknowledging that even though difficult circumstances arise, God never changes; His love remains steadfast all the time.

“…many people told us how comforted they were to hear these words, especially those who had lost loved ones during a tragic event,” says Moen about how his song impacted people after events such as 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Over the years, “God is Good All the Time” has become more than just a song; It is now an anthem that provides Christians worldwide with much-needed assurance that only comes from faith in Jesus Christ.


“God is good all the time” is a powerful declaration of faith and trust in the goodness of God. Don Moen’s song has impacted millions around the world, providing them with hope and assurance that God’s love never changes.

2. Why This Song Is So Popular Among Christians?

2.1 The Meaningful Lyrics

“God is Good All the Time” has become one of the most beloved Christian songs. The lyrics are simple yet powerful, reminding listeners of God’s constant presence and love in their lives:

“God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine”

This message resonates strongly with many Christians who have experienced difficult times but find comfort in knowing that God’s goodness lasts forever.

2.2 The Catchy Melody

Beyond its meaningful lyrics, this hit song also boasts a catchy melody that cannot be ignored. The upbeat tune makes it easy for listeners to sing along, creating a sense of unity among worshippers in church services or concerts. Perhaps one reason why the song remains so popular is because it combines an uplifting melody with inspirational lyrics that uplift the soul.

2.3 The Connection to Christian Faith

“God is Good All the Time” connects deeply with the Christian faith. One of the central messages of Christianity is that God is always present in our lives, and his goodness endures despite trials and tribulations. With these themes at the forefront, “God is Good All the Time” has become more than just a song; it has become an anthem for those seeking solace in their faith. In essence, it helps to solidify the notion of God’s eternal love and guides people towards strengthening their religious beliefs.

2.4 The Emotional Response it Elicits

Songs can evoke various emotions among listeners, whether sadness or joy. “God is Good All the Time” is one such example as it has an exceptional ability to garner positive emotional responses from listeners. The lyrics and melody combine to create a sense of warmth that affirms God’s love. It brings hope, assurance, and rekindles faith among worshippers in times when they feel lost or alone. Typically, churchgoers have been known to sway, raise their hands or even dance along while singing this song during worship services.

“God is Good All the Time” remains widely regarded as an all-time favorite Christian song because of its meaningful lyrics, catchy melody, deep connection to the Christian faith, and the emotional response it elicits in listeners. It serves as an uplifting anthem for anyone seeking comfort in tough situations or reassurance in their faith. Its longevity is well-merited considering how it has inspired thousands if not millions of Christians around the world, with no doubt it will continue to do so for years to come.

3. The Message of the Song

This inspiring tune reminds us that God’s goodness never ceases even during difficult times.

As believers, it’s essential to have a firm understanding of God’s character, which includes His goodness. With this in mind, let’s delve deeper and explore some insights on why faith and prayer are crucial elements in our spiritual journeys.

3.1 The Importance of Faith

The song “God Is Good All The Time” highlights faith as an essential aspect of an individual’s relationship with God. When trials and tribulations come our way, it is our faith that keeps us anchored and hopeful.

In Hebrews 11:1, we learn that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” What this means is that although we may not always see results or blessings immediately, we trust in God’s promises because He has proven faithful time and again. It takes courage to hold onto our faith especially when life doesn’t make sense; however, relying on God’s word can provide us with comfort and peace.

“Faith isn’t seeing everything clearly and knowing exactly what’s going to happen — sometimes faith is taking the first step.” – Peyton Jones

Hence, cultivating and growing in our faith walk with Christ is vital since it provides us with the ability to withstand any adversity we may face through resilience and perseverance. As the Bible states in James 1:3-4 “you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

The Power of Prayer

Another essential aspect of our walk with God is prayer. In “God Is Good All The Time,” Don Moen emphasizes the power and importance of prayer in strengthening our relationship with God.

Just as we communicate with family or friends, prayer is a means of communicating with our Heavenly Father. Through prayer, we can express our thanksgiving, praises, requests, and concerns to God. Psalm 107:28-30 expresses the impact of prayer by stating, “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress… He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.”

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.” – Max Lucado

In other words, prayer ensures that we have an active and thriving connection with God. It’s a channel for us to seek His guidance, wisdom, comfort, and provision. Having an active prayer life also enables us to discern his will for our lives. Consequently, this empowers us to fulfill our purpose on earth through Him.

We must always remind ourselves that God is good all the time. We should continue to believe in him regardless of how the circumstances look like and all we have to do is offer up our prayers and believe Him at His word and allow Him to guide us through any difficulty that comes our way.

To wrap things up,  “God Is Good All The Time” teaches us about faith and prayer, which are two crucial elements in our journey with Christ. Faith builds resilience while giving hope during adversity; hence it’s necessary for us to nurture it. Prayer, on the other hand, ensures that we have an active relationship with God and helps us discern His will in our lives.

Remember, regardless of life’s circumstances, God is good all the time, and when we walk by faith while praying unceasingly, we can confidently rest assured that He is working everything out for our good (Romans 8:28).

4. How This Song Can Help You In Your Daily Life

If you’ve been feeling a bit down lately or experiencing some tough times, listening to  “God Is Good All The Time” can help uplift your spirits. This inspiring song reminds us that even during the most difficult moments in life, God is always with us and we can find comfort in His loving embrace.

4.1 Encouragement During Tough Times

We all go through rough patches in life – whether it be struggling at work, relationship problems, or health issues. It’s important to remember that difficulties are only temporary and we will get through them eventually. Listening to “God Is Good All The Time” is a great way to stay encouraged and motivated during these challenging times.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” – James 1:2-3

The lyrics of this song remind us that no matter what happens, we can trust in God’s goodness and love for us. Even when things don’t go according to plan, there’s a bigger picture at play – one that we may not always understand but can trust is for our ultimate good.

4.2 A Reminder to Stay Positive

It can be easy to slip into negativity and cynicism, especially when we’re bombarded with bad news on a daily basis. But staying positive can make all the difference in how we approach life. “God Is Good All The Time” encourages us to focus on the good things in life – the blessings we have right now, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8

By keeping our minds focused on the positive aspects of life, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and joy that spreads to those around us. This positivity can make all the difference in how we experience life.

4.3 Inspiration to Keep Moving Forward

The journey of life is not always smooth sailing – there will be setbacks, obstacles, and failures along the way. However, it’s important to keep moving forward and never give up. “God Is Good All The Time” encourages us to persevere through the tough times and trust that God has a plan for our lives.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

This song reminds us that even when we don’t see the way forward, God is leading us step by step towards our destiny. By staying steadfast in our faith and trusting that God has good things in store for us, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

● “God Is Good All The Time” is an uplifting and inspiring song that can help us stay encouraged during difficult times, focus on the positive aspects of life, and continue moving forward towards our goals and dreams.

● So the next time life gets tough, take a few minutes to listen to this powerful song and remember that no matter what happens, God is indeed good – all the time.

5.. What Makes Worship Music So Timeless?

5.1 The Universal Appeal

 One of the reasons why gospel music remains relevant and timeless to date is its universal appeal.

These songs may be intended for Christian, but they have themes that resonate with people from different backgrounds regardless of their faith. For instance, another popular song “God Will Make A Way” talks about hope and trust in God during trying times. These are concepts that can apply to everyone, irrespective of their religious beliefs. 

It connects with listeners emotionally through gospel music is another reason for the broad appeal. Gospel songs help people deal with challenging situations such as heartbreak, financial struggles, illness, among others, encouraging them to keep trusting in God, even when life seems difficult.

5.2 The Timeless Themes

Another factor contributing to gospel music’s timelessness is its timeless themes. Gospel music has been around for many years, yet the messages conveyed remain relevant today. The central message of this music is that God is good all the time, no matter what one is going through.

This simple message of hope, love, and gratitude cuts across generations and cultures, making it relatable across many years. Listening to a gospel song makes you feel like it is  crafted just for you, even if it was released before your birth.

“With every passing year, Moen’s songs continue to encourage me despite having listened to them numerous times,” says Sarah, an avid Don Moen fan

Furthermore, Moen’s seamless incorporation of scripture into his lyrics contributes to his music’s enduring relevance. He borrows heavily from the Bible, especially the Psalms, in his writing, creating music that is both timeless and rooted in faith.

Gospel music has had a significant influence on Christian culture worldwide. Gospel songs have been translated into different languages, making them accessible to people from all corners of the globe. They’ve been used during church services, concerts, and inspirational meetings, helping bring people together to worship and praise God.

Gospel music remains timeless because it speaks to humanity’s collective needs for hope, love, and inspiration—qualities that never go out of style.

The Bible paints a God’s goodness is wide brushstrokes of love even in dark times. And we all have faced dark times. 

● Was God still good when He allowed Satan to afflict Job with suffering? 

○ Was God still good when He didn’t answer Paul’s prayer to remove the torment of Satan via the thorn in the flesh? 

● Was God good when He allowed His Son Jesus Christ to die a horrible death on the cross? 

Now personalize it. Is God still good if you lose your job, lose your home, can’t have a child, or the doctor says you have COVID or three months to live? 

Yes, because His goodness is deeply rooted throughout your trials and your joys. 

God loves you so much that He will grow you and sanctify you abundantly until eternity—then He will reward you for your faithfulness.

Yes, GOD is good.

●God is good all the time. It’s easy to see God’s goodness when life is tastes like a cold glass of lemonade / red wine. 

• When our hearts are happy our eyes are open to His glorious presence, His plan for our lives, and the beauty of His creation all around us. 

• But sometimes we feel life is just so hard. It’s in these times we must hold fast to this simple truth: God is good all the time.

●How is He good when a plane crashes in the Alps and all 150 aboard die ¹ —yet the national soccer team that was supposed to be on that plane missed their flight? 

[Note ¹ : March 24, 2015 . Germanwings Flight 4U9525: Airbus A320 crash in French Alps kills 150 aboard.

1 black box located before search suspended for the night.

 ●144 passengers, 6 crew members on board

●Crash site in a remote snowy area of the southern French Alps

●1 flight recorder located

●Search suspended for night, body recovery expected to take days

An Airbus operated by Lufthansa's Germanwings budget airline crashed into a mountainside in the French Alps on Tuesday, killing all 150 people on board including 16 schoolchildren.

Germanwings confirmed its flight 4U 9525 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf went down with 144 passengers and six crew on board.

One of the plane's black box recorders has been found at the crash site, about 100 km north of the Riviera city of Nice, and will be examined immediately, France's interior minister said. 

Plane 'ripped apart'

Aerial photographs showed smouldering wreckage and a piece of the fuselage with six windows strewn across the steep mountainside cut by ravines.

"We saw an aircraft that had literally been ripped apart, the bodies are in a state of destruction, there is not one intact piece of wing or fuselage," Brice Robin, prosecutor for the city of Marseille, told Reuters after flying over the wreckage in a helicopter. Full details here  ] 

Christians say, “Wow isn’t God good?” Or in my own personal life, I struggled with God’s goodness. In a span of two years, my husband and I both suffered major health complications. The hospital became a revolving door, and I was left to question how good is God in the midst of all this suffering? Others pointed out, “Thank God they found your brain infection in time, isn’t God so good?” Or “Thank God, Chris’ medical team was able to give him a defibrillator. God is so good.”

●Yet, I questioned, why did He allow me to get that sick in the first place, or why couldn’t have God healed Chris’ heart before we got to this point. Perhaps the hardest circumstance is the death of a loved one. We lost our father-in-law in the midst of the pandemic. Instead of being surrounded by family for a funeral, we were isolated and left to question why he passed as tragically as he had. Yet, others pointed out, “Wow, isn’t God good to give you seventeen additional years with him?” But is this WHY God is good? Because He held our hands in the midst of our suffering? I say, yes. He revealed the good and His hand of goodness in all situations, even in our grief.

●God is good because God Himself says He is Good. The Bible doesn’t just say that God does good things. It says that God IS good. It’s not just what He does; it’s who He is—and who He is never changes. In a world of change and inconsistency, He is constant, He doesn’t change.

What Does the Bible Say about God's Goodness?

● Jesus declared in Luke 18:19 and 1 John 1:5 that “No one is good—except God alone,” and “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.” , respectively. What does it mean?

 According to Merriam Webster, the definition of “God" is “the being in perfect power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.” To say that God is good means God always acts in a way that is true, noble, right, and good. Goodness is a part of His nature and He cannot contradict His nature. Righteousness and holiness are a part of His nature too. He cannot do anything that is unholy or unrighteous. Let’s look at a few more key Scriptures:

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).

”For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1:7).

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2:4-5).

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1).

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9).

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17).

These are just a few verses about the intrinsic goodness of God

● So, the question that begs to be asked is this: If God is good then why is life hard?

 Jason Helveston says, “life is hard because God is good.” 

● Another writer states, “In other words, God has “intentionally shaped the world in such a way that effort would be required to accomplish significant change, progress, and renewal.” 

● We should “never pray away … difficulty” but “embrace it, discern its purpose, look to Jesus, and pray to be made more like him through it all.” 

● God is good because He is God. It is our humanity that paints Him otherwise because we are the ones who created sin and evil. When sin entered God’s perfect creation, He had a plan to redeem humanity. 

● The Gospel reveals this “good news,” where God sent His Son to become the perfect and blameless sacrifice so we could be forgiven of our sins. 

● God does not want anyone to perish but everyone to come willingly to have everlasting life in Him.

● In His plan of salvation, He didn’t say our lives would be good all time. Instead, He warned us that in this life we will have trouble. 

● We will have sickness, freak accidents, death, pain, hurt feelings, and face disappointments; but God promised He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. 

● God promised He would walk with us and He promised to redeem us in this fallen world. Our walk with Him will lead us over mountains high and through valleys low.

● The Lord doesn’t promise us a life of joy, without sorrow. However, He promised to stand beside us through it all. 

● In fact, He reminds us in 2 Corinthians 9:8 that He wants to bless us abundantly so that we will have all we need and abound in every good work. But what does that really mean?

What Is the Context of 2 Corinthians 9:8?

John MacArthur wrote, “God’s goodness is that He is the perfect sum, source, and standard (for Himself and His creatures) of that which is wholesome (conducive to well-being), virtuous, beneficial, and beautiful.” 

● God has never stopped being good and He wants good for us

2 Corinthians 9:8 says, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

●This passage tells us God will reward us for giving to others as He has commanded. Paul says that God is able instead of God will because we were assigned to do His will and reflect His glory in all that we do. At the same time, He tells us we will have all that we need. ● We don’t need to be afraid of loss, death, illness, and disappointment because He is with us in those times and He is working all things together for our good. 

● He gives us good things both spiritual and earthly in nature.

What Are Ways God Shows His Goodness to Us?

●Not only is God with us in our joy, but He is also there in the midst of our pain and disappointment too. 

Think about what you have been through lately. Have you gotten a promotion, a raise, a new car, a new home, a healthy baby delivered into your arms? 

Have you finally gotten the job you’ve always wanted? 

Did you receive enough money to cover a bill, get groceries, or come home to a warm home? 

Did you wake up today with breath in your lungs? 

Then yes, God is good. 

These are just the infinitely little details He works out for each of us even in the middle of a pandemic or other major crisis.

God’s goodness is much more than a fleeting feeling or a comfortable moment. God’s goodness exceeds any desire we could dream.

Once upon a time, during the 1960s and ’70s, a television commercial for an antacid gave us the phrase “Try it, you’ll like it.” The commercial’s catch phrase was so famous it transcended the advertisement and ended up being used to entice us to try other things. I used the phrase to urge my boys to eat a green vegetable. Friends use the phrase to encourage me to try an exercise class.

 The phrase intends to encourage us to take a taste, try it, enjoy the experience because when you do, you will want more.

● And so it is with the goodness of God. Psalm 34:8 urges us to “Taste and see…” The writer is saying, “Take one look, know and experience.” Because when you do, you will know how good God is.

Word of God exposed words of men

 "And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men [a mere] human message, but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers." - The apostle Paul, 1 Thessalonians 2:13 .


My first true introduction to the Christian faith came at a relatively young age through a personal encounter with the holy Scriptures. I still remember, vividly, the experience of being powerfully  convinced in mind and profoundly touched at heart by what I read for myself for the very first time in the Bible. It was the message that God,the Creator, was not only true and living, but that he had such an abounding love for the world he created. He was willing to give up the life of his own Son so that sinners could be reconciled to God through their faith in him. Based on but a moment's reflection on such a promise, - that of a God who loved the world, a God who had a Son whom he gave, and the prospect of eternal life - my personal faith was kindled, my heart rejoiced, and the desire to learn more about this message grew strong. It was not long after this discovery that I began to search and study the Scriptures with great interest. Yet soon after "stumbling" upon this message about God's mercy and loving-kindness expressed in the gift of his dear Son, I began more and more to appreciate the reality of such a tremendously diversified world of religious groups and movements that professed faith in Christ and in the Bible, yet whose members were in serious opposition to one another over matters concerning doctrine.

Of course, I became aware that the Scriptures wisely instructed believers to assemble together in order to encourage one another as we "see the day drawing near." But naturally, - having no prior spiritual instruction or formal religious affiliation - I became intensely concerned over the question of which religious group was truly following Christ, in the hope that too could benefit from their spiritual fellowship and from the faith strengthening, communal 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Pray First , And Watch What Happens

My friends, let us embark on a journey together. a journey toward the heart of what truly matters in our lives. Imagine standing on the edge of a vast ocean at dawn, the first rays of sunlight casting a golden path across the water, inviting you to walk closer to the source of light. This is akin to the journey of spending time with God first, each day, every day, if you believe that God can make a difference in your life today. Let us stand together in faith. I will pray a fervent prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus. So watch until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer. In the Book of Psalms 63, verse 1,  we find a profound expression of this yearning, 'Oh God, you are my God; early will I seek you;  my soul thirsts for you ; my flesh longing for you in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.'  Here, the psalmist captures the essence of our deepest need. The need to connect with our Creator before all else when we choose to spend time with God first, we are not merely performing a routine. We are aligning our hearts with the heartbeat of the universe. it's like placing the key into the ignition of our day. Without turning it, the journey can't begin. Prioritizing God is our way of turning that key igniting our souls with purpose and direction. Consider a tree planted by the rivers of water, with its roots deeply embedded in the nourishing soil, always bearing fruit in its season as described in Psalms 1:3. This is the picture of a life grounded in the presence of God when we spend time with Him first. We become like that tree, stable is nourished and fruitful. This practice is not about ticking a box in our spiritual checklist. It’s about building a relationship,  a friendship with the Divine just as we would invest time in nurturing a friendship or a loving relationship, our relationship with God flourishes when we dedicate our first moments to him. In the gospel of Mark 1 verse 35, we see a powerful example in the life of Jesus now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, he went out and departed to a solitary place, and there he prayed. If Jesus, the son of God, sought to prioritize time with his Father, how much more do we need this sacred time. The world around us is like a whirlwind of demands and distractions. By choosing to spend time with God first, we anchor ourselves in something unshakable before stepping into the chaos of this world.  It’s like building our house-life upon a solid rock as Jesus teaches in Matthew 7: 24, the storms will come, but we will not be moved.

 This is an invitation my friends to redefine our priorities. Let's not give God the leftovers of our time. Let's offer our God the first fruits. This action of giving God the first part of our day is a declaration of our trust and dependence on Him. It's saying to the world and, more importantly, to ourselves that God is our true north, our compass, our guide as you contemplate this 

Monday, January 15, 2024



today we woke up by the grace of God and for this we are truly grateful we  recognize and deeply appreciate all that   the Lord has done in our lives just as the dawn breaks through the darkest night bringing light and warmth to the world, so too does God's grace awaken us each morning, enlightening our lives with Hope and New Beginnings if you believe believe that God can make a difference in your life today let us stand together in faith I will pray a powerful prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus, so watch until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer, my friends let us gather our hearts and minds as we face another day,  a day that the Lord has made let us lift up our voices in a prayer of gratitude, for indeed we are truly blessed, God have opened our eyes to the light of this day in the book of Lamentations in chapter 3: 22 to 23 it is written through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because his compassions fail not , they are new every morning. Great is God's faithfulness here. We find a profound truth that resonates deeply within our souls every morning is a testament to God's enduring faithfulness and love as we wake up to the chirping of birds, the gentle warmth of the sun and the fresh air that fills our lungs, let us remember that each of these is a gift from our heavenly Father to wake up each day is not just a simple act of nature. It is a miracle, a blessing bestowed upon us by the Lord. It's a new opportunity to experience his grace to walk in his light and to fulfill the purpose he has set for each of us today as we stand in the presence of our Creator, let us be filled with a sense of deep gratitude. Let us acknowledge that without his mercies, we would not be here today, our gratitude should not be silent as we go about our daily tasks let our grateful Spirit be a light to others showing the love and grace of our Lord, let us cherish this moment this day, ...


...this opportunity to be alive, to love, to learn, and to serve. Our prayer today is more than words. It is a celebration of life, a recognition of God's endless mercy and a testament to His great faithfulness, let us pray with joy, 


with hope and with a profound sense of gratitude for we are alive we are loved and we are held in the Everlasting Arms of Our Lord, now to all those within the sound of my voice , let us go to the Lord in prayer .


I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer. You may also listen to this prayer daily as you build your faith and come in agreement. Let us pray to our gracious and loving


God, our heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart full of praise and thanksgiving acknowledging your sovereignty and Majesty, you are the creator of all The Giver of Life and the sustainer of all creation I recognize your magnificence and the perfection of all your ways. Your greatness is beyond comprehension, and your power is limitless in your presence, I am filled with joy and peace, you Lord are worthy of all glory honor and praise, and I Lift Your Name high above all else in this moment I thank you Lord for the precious gift of life I am grateful for the breath in my lungs and the heartbeat in my chest may my life today be a song of praise to you. Thank you for waking me up to see another day and for providing me with a fresh opportunity to experience your love and grace, your mercies are new every morning, and your faithfulness is my shield and strength. I am thankful for your abundant blessings and for your loving kindness that is evident in every aspect of my life and the lives of my loved ones I come before you, Lord, asking for forgiveness of my sins, I confess my shortcomings, my faults, and my failures . In your mercy as you forgive me, I also forgive those who have trespassed against me. Create in me a clean heart, cleanse me from all unrighteousness, and renew my spirit. Lord, may you guide me in the path of righteousness and help me to live in a manner that brings honor to your name as I go through this day.  I ask for your Divine guidance and wisdom. Lead me in every decision I make and every action I take. May your wisdom be my guide and your word be the lamp unto my feet. I seek discernment in handling the challenges of life and clarity in understanding your will for me. Grant me the courage to face challenges and the strength to overcome obstacles, Lord. I stand against every form of attack from the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke every plan of discouragement, illness, or misfortune directed towards me, protect me from harm, and shield me from the snares of the adversary .  I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgment I shall condemn . Your protection is my Fortress, and in your name, I find Safety and Security, I pray for healing both physical and emotional in the name of Jesus, I declare healing over my body, peace for my mind, and joy for my soul . Lord, touch every part of me that needs your healing hand, Father restore me to full health and vitality that I may serve you with all my being. Your word promises that by your stripes, we are healed, and I claim that promise for myself and my loved ones . Lord, as I lift up my loved ones before you, I pray that you bless them , protect them, and provide for their every need. May your hand of favor rest upon them and your spirit of peace dwell in their hearts. Keep them safe in your loving arms and guide them in the paths of righteousness. May they, too, experience your love and grace in abundance . Lord, as I say this prayer together with everyone listening, I am grateful for every heart that is humbled before you right now. In unity, we come before you Almighty God, recognizing your presence among us. May the prayers we offer be a sweet fragrance to you. And may our United Hearts find strength and encouragement in your love together, we claim victory over the challenges of this day, Lord, protect us in our comings and goings. Deliver us from all accidents and negative incidents. We pray for good health and for your provision for us and our loved ones, Lord, I ask that you meet our needs according to your riches in glory and keep us in good health and strength, we declare that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. I thank you for the assurance of your love, for the promise of your presence and the gift of your Holy Spirit. Help us to see your hand in every aspect of our lives and to give thanks in all circumstances knowing that this is your will for us in Christ Jesus . Merciful Father, fill our hearts with your peace that surpasses all understanding and the joy that comes from you in the midst of life's trials and uncertainties.  Let your peace and joy be our strength. We trust in Your Divine care, relying on your strength and not our own, for yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Thank you Lord, for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Dear reader, wherever you are now, if you were blessed by this prayer, type the word 'Amen' in the comments section below. I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ.  You can help us, believers of God,  to reach more persons and spread the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ, you can do this by sharing the prayer with a friend or family member. Almighty God will bless your heart and uplift your spirit. We appreciate all your support. You're blessed to be a blessing. Please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comments section so that we can present them before God    for your blessings and victory, and so that other believers on the social  platform and all over the world can join us and start praying for you right now. Stand in faith of God with us while we pray, to God be all the glory. May the grace and  peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen and amen. 


Wǒ měitiān dū xiàng tiān fù qídǎo


jīntiān wǒmen yīn shàngdì de ēndiǎn ér xǐng lái


wèi cǐ, wǒmen zhēn de hěn gǎnjī


rènshí bìng shēn shēn gǎnjī zhè yīqiè


zhǔ zài wǒmen de shēngmìng zhòng suǒ zuò de, zhèngrú


límíng chōngpò zuì hēi'àn


yèwǎn gěi dàdì dài lái guāngmíng hé wēnnuǎn 


Shìjiè, shén de ēndiǎn yě huànxǐng wǒmen


měitiān zǎochén, zhào liàng wǒmen de shēnghuó


xīwàng yǔ xīn


kāishǐ, rúguǒ nǐ xiāngxìn xiāngxìn


shén kěyǐ gǎibiàn nǐ de shēnghuó


jīntiān ràng wǒmen huáizhe xìnniàn zhàn zài yīqǐ 

我将奉耶稣大能的名与你们一起祈祷 ,

Wǒ jiāng fèng yēsū dà néng de míng yǔ nǐmen yīqǐ qídǎo,

所以请观看直到最后,suǒyǐ qǐng guānkàn zhídào zuìhòu, 

打开你们的心,dǎkāi nǐmen de xīn, 

接受这个祈祷的祝福,jiēshòu zhège qídǎo de zhùfú, 

我的朋友们,wǒ de péngyǒumen, 

让我们集中心智,ràng wǒmen jízhōng xīnzhì, 

迎接新的一天,yíngjiē xīn de yītiān, 

这一天, 主已经做了

zhè yītiān, zhǔ yǐjīng zuòle 

让我们高声感恩地祈祷,Ràng wǒmen gāo shēng gǎn'ēn de qídǎo,

因为我们确实是有福的,yīnwèi wǒmen quèshí shì yǒufú de,

上帝在《哀歌》第3章22至23节中为我们打开了眼睛,shàngdì zài “āigē” dì 3 zhāng 22 zhì 23 jié zhōng wèi wǒmen dǎkāile yǎnjīng, 

让我们看到了今天的光,ràng wǒmen kàn dàole jīntiān de guāng,

通过主的怜悯,tōngguò zhǔ de liánmǐn, 

我们写下了这一点。wǒmen xiě xiàle zhè yīdiǎn.

没有被消耗,Méiyǒu bèi xiāohào, 

因为他的同情心没有消失,yīnwèi tā de tóngqíng xīn méiyǒu xiāoshī,

它们每天早晨都是新的。 tāmen měitiān zǎochén dōu shì xīn de.

神的信实在这里是伟大的。 Shén de xìn shízài zhèlǐ shì wěidà de.

我们发现一个深刻的道理  Wǒmen fāxiàn yīgè shēnkè de dàolǐ

每天早晨,Měitiān zǎochén,

当我们在鸟儿的鸣叫声、dāng wǒmen zài niǎo er de míngjiào shēng,

阳光的温柔温暖和 yángguāng de wēnróu wēnnuǎn huo 

充满我们肺部的新鲜空气,chōngmǎn wǒmen fèi bù de xīnxiān kōngqì, 

 我们记住,ràng wǒmen jì zhù, 

每一个都是一份礼物 měi yīgè dōu shì yī fèn lǐwù

 从我们的天父那里唤醒每个人  cóng wǒmen de tiān fù nàlǐ huànxǐng měi gèrén

 一天不仅仅是一个简单的自然行为。 yītiān bùjǐn jǐn shì yīgè jiǎndān de zìrán xíngwéi.

这是一个奇迹,Zhè shì yīgè qíjī, 

是主赐给我们的祝福。shì zhǔ cì gěi wǒmen de zhùfú. 

这是一个新的机会,Zhè shì yīgè xīn de jīhuì,

可以体验他的恩典,kěyǐ tǐyàn tā de ēndiǎn,

行走在他的光中,xíngzǒu zài tā de guāng zhōng,

实现他今天为我们每个人设定的目标,shíxiàn tā jīntiān wèi wǒmen měi gèrén shè dìng de mùbiāo,

当我们站在造物主面前时,dāng wǒmen zhàn zài zàowùzhǔ miànqián shí,

让我们充满深深的感激之情。ràng wǒmen chōngmǎn shēn shēn de gǎnjī zhī qíng.  

让我们承认这一点 Ràng wǒmen chéngrèn zhè yīdiǎn

没有他的怜悯,Méiyǒu tā de liánmǐn,

我们今天不会在这里,wǒmen jīntiān bù huì zài zhèlǐ,

当我们进行日常工作时,dāng wǒmen jìnxíng rìcháng gōngzuò shí,

我们的感激不应该沉默,wǒmen de gǎnjī bù yìng gāi chénmò,

让我们感恩的精神成为别人的光,ràng wǒmen gǎn'ēn de jīngshén chéngwéi biérén de guāng,

展示我们主的爱和恩典,zhǎnshì wǒmen zhǔ de ài hé ēndiǎn,

让我们珍惜今天的这一刻 ràng wǒmen zhēnxī jīntiān de zhè yīkè 

今天,当我们站在场上时 Jīntiān, dāng wǒmen zhàn zàichǎng shàng shí

 这是一个活着、zhè shì yīgè huózhe,

去爱、qù ài,

去学习、qù xuéxí,

去服务的机会。 qù fúwù de jīhuì.

我们今天的祈祷不只是言语。Wǒmen jīntiān de qídǎo bù zhǐshì yányǔ.

 这是对生命的庆祝,Zhè shì duì shēngmìng de qìngzhù,

是对上帝无尽仁慈的认可,shì duì shàngdì wújìn réncí de rènkě,

也是对他伟大信实的证明,yěshì duì tā wěidà xìnshí de zhèngmíng,

让我们喜乐地祈祷,ràng wǒmen xǐlè de qídǎo,

我们不应该保持沉默。Wǒmen bù yìng gāi bǎochí chénmò.

 带着希望和深深的感激之情,Dàizhe xīwàng hé shēn shēn de gǎnjī zhī qíng,

因为我们还活着,yīnwèi wǒmen hái huózhe,

我们被爱着,wǒmen bèi àizhe,

我们被主永恒的臂膀所拥抱,wǒmen bèi zhǔ yǒnghéng de bìbǎng suǒ yǒngbào,


对于所有在我声音范围内的人,duìyú suǒyǒu zài wǒ shēngyīn fànwéi nèi de rén,

让我们在祈祷中走向主 ràng wǒmen zài qídǎo zhōng zǒuxiàng zhǔ

奉耶稣大能的名。Fèng yēsū dà néng de míng.

 我希望你和我一起祈祷,Wǒ xīwàng nǐ hé wǒ yīqǐ qídǎo,

这样你就能得到这个祈祷的所有祝福。zhèyàng nǐ jiù néng dédào zhège qídǎo de suǒyǒu zhùfú . 

当您建立信仰并达成一致时,Dāng nín jiànlì xìnyǎng bìng dáchéng yīzhì shí,

您也可以每天聆听这个祈祷。 nín yě kěyǐ měitiān língtīng zhège qídǎo.

让我们祈祷 Ràng wǒmen qídǎo

 致我们的仁慈和爱心 zhì wǒmen de réncí hé àixīn

蒙福的晨祷 Méng fú de chén dǎo


我们的天父,wǒmen de tiān fù,

我来到你面前 wǒ lái dào nǐ miànqián

 怀着一颗充满赞美和感恩的心,huáizhe yī kē chōngmǎn zànměi hé gǎn'ēn de xīn,




我认识到你的伟大和你所有方式的完美。Wǒ rènshí dào nǐ de wěidà hé nǐ suǒyǒu fāngshì de wánměi. 你的伟大难以理解,Nǐ de wěidà nàn yǐ lǐjiě

你的力量在你面前是无限的,nǐ de lìliàng zài nǐ miànqián shì wúxiàn de,

我充满了wǒ chōngmǎnle

带着喜乐和平安,Dàizhe xǐlè he píng'ān,

你的主配得所有的荣耀、nǐ de zhǔ pèi dé suǒyǒu de róngyào, 

尊贵和赞美,zūnguì hé zànměi,

此刻我将你的名字高举于一切之上,cǐkè wǒ jiāng nǐ de míngzì gāojǔ yú yīqiè zhī shàng, 

我感谢主,wǒ gǎnxiè zhǔ, 

赐予我生命的宝贵礼物 cìyǔ wǒ shēngmìng de bǎoguì lǐwù

感谢我肺部的呼吸和胸腔的心跳,Gǎnxiè wǒ fèi bù de hūxī hé xiōngqiāng de xīntiào, 

愿我今天的生活成为一首赞美你的歌。 yuàn wǒ jīntiān de shēnghuó chéngwéi yī shǒu zànměi nǐ de gē. 

谢谢你叫醒我迎接新的一天,Xièxiè nǐ jiào xǐng wǒ yíngjiē xīn de yītiān,

并为我提供新鲜的东西 bìng wèi wǒ tígōng xīnxiān de dōngxī

我有机会体验你的爱和恩典,Wǒ yǒu jīhuì tǐyàn nǐ de ài hé ēndiǎn, 

你的怜悯每天早晨都是新的,nǐ de liánmǐn měitiān zǎochén dōu shì xīn de, 

你的信实是我的盾牌和力量。  nǐ de xìnshí shì wǒ de dùnpái hé lìliàng.

我感谢您丰富的祝福和您在每一个细节中所体现的慈爱 Wǒ gǎnxiè nín fēngfù de zhùfú hé nín zài měi yīgè xìjié zhōng suǒ tǐxiàn de cí'ài

主啊,Zhǔ a, 

为了我的生活和我所爱的人的生活,wèile wǒ de shēnghuó hé wǒ suǒ ài de rén de shēnghuó, 

我来到你面前,wǒ lái dào nǐ miànqián, 

请求宽恕我的罪,qǐngqiú kuānshù wǒ de zuì, 

我承认我的缺点、wǒ chéngrèn wǒ de quēdiǎn, 

我的过失和我的失败。 wǒ de guòshī hé wǒ de shībài.

当你饶恕我时,Dāng nǐ ráoshù wǒ shí, 

我也饶恕那些冒犯我的人。wǒ yě ráoshù nàxiē màofàn wǒ de rén.

为我造一颗洁净的心,Wèi wǒ zào yī kē jiéjìng de xīn, 

洗净我一切的不义,xǐ jìng wǒ yīqiè de bù yì,

更新我的灵。gēngxīn wǒ de líng.  

主啊,Zhǔ a,  愿你引导我走上公义的道路,yuàn nǐ yǐndǎo wǒ zǒu shàng gōng yì de dàolù, 

并帮助我在度过这一天时以荣耀你的名的方式生活。bìng bāngzhù wǒ zài dùguò zhè yītiān shí yǐ róngyào nǐ de míng de fāngshì shēnghuó.

生活的挑战和清晰地理解你对我的意愿。Shēnghuó de tiǎozhàn hé qīngxī dì lǐjiě nǐ duì wǒ de yìyuàn.

 主啊,请赐予我面对挑战的勇气和克服障碍的力量。Zhǔ a, qǐng cìyǔ wǒ miàn duì tiǎozhàn de yǒngqì hé kèfú zhàng'ài de lìliàng.

 我奉耶稣基督的名反对敌人一切形式的攻击。Wǒ fèng yēsū jīdū de míng fǎnduì dírén yī qiē xíngshì de gōngjí. 

我斥责每一个针对我的灰心 、Wǒ chìzé měi yīgè zhēnduì wǒ de huīxīn,

疾病或不幸的计划,jíbìng huò bùxìng de jìhuà,

保护我免受伤害,bǎohù wǒ miǎn shòu shānghài,

并保护我免受敌人的网罗。bìng bǎohù wǒ miǎn shòu dírén de wǎngluó.

我宣布,Wǒ xuānbù,

任何针对我的武器都不会成功,rènhé zhēnduì wǒ de wǔqì dōu bù huì chénggōng,

每一个在审判中反对我的舌头都将受到我的谴责。 měi yīgè zài shěnpàn zhōng fǎnduì wǒ de shétou dōu jiāng shòudào wǒ de qiǎnzé.

您的保护是我的堡垒,Nín de bǎohù shì wǒ de bǎolěi, 

以你的名义,yǐ nǐ de míngyì, 

我找到了安全和 wǒ zhǎodàole ānquán hé


我奉耶稣的名祈祷身体和情感得到医治,wǒ fèng yēsū de míng qídǎo shēntǐ hé qínggǎn dédào yīzhì, 

我宣告我的身体得到医治,wǒ xuāngào wǒ de shēntǐ dédào yīzhì,

我的心灵得到平安,wǒ de xīnlíng dédào píng'ān, 

我的灵魂得到喜乐。wǒ de línghún dédào xǐlè. 


Zhǔ a, qǐng chùmō wǒ de měi yībùfèn

需要您的治愈之手,xūyào nín de zhìyù zhī shǒu,

天父使我恢复完全的健康和活力,tiān fù shǐ wǒ huīfù wánquán de jiànkāng hé huólì, 

以便我可以全身心地为您服务。yǐbiàn wǒ kěyǐ quánshēn xīndì wèi nín fúwù.  

你的话承诺,Nǐ dehuà chéngnuò, 

通过你的鞭伤,tōngguò nǐ de biān shāng, 

我们会得到治愈,wǒmen huì dédào zhìyù,


wǒ wèi zìjǐ hé wǒ suǒ ài de rén xuāngàole zhè yī chéngnuò. 

主啊,当我将我所爱的人举在你面前时,Zhǔ a, dāng wǒ jiāng wǒ suǒ ài de rén jǔ zài nǐ miànqián shí,

我祈求你祝福他们、wǒ qíqiú nǐ zhùfú tāmen, 

保护他们并满足他们的一切需要。 bǎohù tāmen bìng mǎnzú tāmen de yīqiè xūyào. 

愿你的慈爱之手覆在他们身上,Yuàn nǐ de cí'ài zhī shǒu fù zài tāmen shēnshang,

愿你的和平之灵住在他们心中。yuàn nǐ de hépíng zhī líng zhù zài tāmen xīnzhōng.

将他们安全地放在您慈爱的怀抱中,Jiāng tāmen ānquán de fàng zài nín cí'ài de huáibào zhōng, 

并引导他们走上正义的道路。 bìng yǐndǎo tāmen zǒu shàng zhèngyì de dàolù.

愿他们也能体验到您丰富的爱和恩典。Yuàn tāmen yě néng tǐyàn dào nín fēngfù de ài hé ēndiǎn.  

主啊,当我与每个聆听者一起说出这个祷告时,Zhǔ a, dāng wǒ yǔ měi gè língtīng zhě yīqǐ shuō chū zhège dǎogào shí, 

我感谢现在在你面前谦卑的每一颗心。wǒ gǎnxiè xiànzài zài nǐ miànqián qiānbēi de měi yī kē xīn.

 我们团结一致来到全能的上帝面前,Wǒmen tuánjié yīzhì lái dào quánnéng de shàngdì miànqián,

认识到您就在我们中间。 rènshí dào nín jiù zài wǒmen zhōngjiān.

愿我们的祈祷成为您的芬芳。Yuàn wǒmen de qídǎo chéngwéi nín de fēnfāng.

愿我们团结的心在您的爱中找到力量和鼓励,Yuàn wǒ men tuánjié de xīn zài nín de ài zhōng zhǎodào lìliàng hé gǔlì, 

我们宣布战胜当今的挑战,wǒmen xuānbù zhànshèng dāngjīn de tiǎozhàn, 

主啊,在我们的来往中保护我们。Zhǔ a, zài wǒmen de láiwǎng zhōng bǎohù wǒmen. 

 使我们免受所有事故和负面事件的影响。Shǐ wǒmen miǎn shòu suǒyǒu shìgù hé fùmiàn shìjiàn de yǐngxiǎng. 

我们祈求您身体健康,Wǒ men qíqiú nín shēntǐ jiànkāng, 

祈求您为我们和我们所爱的人提供一切,qíqiú nín wèi wǒ men hé wǒ men suǒ ài de rén tígōng yīqiè, 

主啊,我请求您根据您荣耀的财富满足我们的需要,Zhǔ a, wǒ qǐngqiú nín gēnjù nín róngyào de cáifù mǎnzú wǒ men de xūyào, 

并保持我们的健康和力量,bìng bǎochí wǒ men de jiànkāng hé lì liàng,

我们宣告靠着基督我们已经得胜有余了 谁爱我们。wǒ men xuāngào kàozhe jīdū wǒ men yǐjīng déshèng yǒuyúle shéi ài wǒ men.

我感谢你对我的爱的保证。 Wǒ gǎnxiè nǐ duì wǒ de ài de bǎozhèng.

你的临在和圣灵的恩赐的应许。Nǐ de lín zài hé shènglíng de ēncì de yīngxǔ. 

帮助我们在生活的各个方面看到您的手,Bāngzhù wǒ men zài shēnghuó de gège fāngmiàn kàn dào nín de shǒu, 

并在所有事情上表达感谢 bìng zài suǒyǒu shìqíng shàng biǎodá gǎnxiè

知道这是你在基督耶稣里对我们的旨意。 Zhīdào zhè shì nǐ zài jīdū yēsū lǐ duì wǒmen de zhǐyì. 

慈悲的天父,Cíbēi de tiān fù, 

让我们的心充满你超越一切理解的平安,ràng wǒmen de xīn chōngmǎn nǐ chāoyuè yīqiè lǐjiě de píng'ān,

以及在生活的考验和不确定性中来自你的喜乐,yǐjí zài shēnghuó de kǎoyàn hé bù quèdìng xìng zhòng láizì nǐ de xǐlè, 

让你的心充满喜乐。ràng nǐ de xīn chōngmǎn xǐlè.

仁慈的天父,Réncí de tiān fù,

在生命的考验和不确定性中,zài shēngmìng de kǎoyàn hé bù quèdìng xìng zhòng,

让我们的心充满你超越一切理解的平安和喜乐。 ràng wǒmen de xīn chōngmǎn nǐ chāoyuè yīqiè lǐjiě de píng'ān hé xǐlè.

让您的平安与喜乐成为我们的力量。 Ràng nín de píng'ān yǔ xǐlè chéngwéi wǒmen de lìliàng.

我们相信您神圣的关怀,Wǒ men xiāngxìn nín shénshèng de guānhuái,

依靠您的力量,yī kào nín de lì liàng,

而不是我们自己的力量,ér bù shì wǒ men zì jǐ de lì liàng,

因为国度、yīnwèi guódù,

权力和荣耀都是您的,quánlì hé róngyào dōu shì nín de,

直到永远。 zhí dào yǒng yuǎn.

主啊,感谢你垂听并回应我的祷告,Zhǔ a, gǎnxiè nǐ chuí tīng bìng huíyīng wǒ de dǎogào, 

奉耶稣基督大能的名祷告。fèng yēsū jīdū dà néng de míng dǎogào.

 阿门。Ā mén.

  亲爱的读者,Qīn' ài de dú zhě,

无论你现在身在何处,wú lùn nǐ xiàn zài shēn zài hé chù,

如果你受到这个祈祷的祝福,rú guǒ nǐ shòu dào zhè ge qí dǎo de zhù fú,


qǐng zài xià miàn de píng lùn bù fèn shūrù “āmén” yī cí.

我宣告,Wǒ xuāngào, 

奉主耶稣基督大能的名,fèng zhǔ yēsū jīdū dà néng de míng,

这个祷告的所有祝福现在都临到你们身上。zhège dǎogào de suǒyǒu zhùfú xiànzài dōu líndào nǐmen shēnshang.

 您可以帮助我们,Nín kěyǐ bāng zhù wǒ men,

神的信徒,shén de xìn tú,

接触更多的人并传播主耶稣基督的福音,jiēchù gèng duō de rén bìng chuánbò zhǔ yēsū jīdū de fú yīn,

您可以通过与朋友或家人分享祈祷来做到这一点。 nín kě yǐ tōng guò yǔ péng yǒu huò jiārén fēnxiǎng qídǎo lái zuò dào zhè yī diǎn. 

全能的神会祝福你的心并振奋你的精神。Quán néng de shén huì zhùfú nǐ de xīn bìng zhèn fèn nǐ de jīng shén.

 我们感谢您的所有支持。Wǒ men gǎn xiè nín de suǒ yǒu zhī chí.

 你很幸运能成为一个祝福。Nǐ hěn xìng yùn néng chéng wéi yī gè zhù fú. 

请随时在评论区留下您的祷告请求,Qǐng suíshí zài pínglùn qū liú xià nín de dǎogào qǐngqiú,

以便我们将其呈现在上帝面前,yǐbiàn wǒmen jiāng qí chéngxiàn zài shàngdì miànqián,

祝福您的祝福和胜利,zhùfú nín de zhùfú hé shènglì,

以便社交平台上和世界各地的其他信徒可以加入我们,yǐbiàn shèjiāo píngtái shàng hé shìjiè gèdì de qítā xìntú kěyǐ jiārù wǒ men,

立即开始为您祈祷 。lìjí kāishǐ wèi nín qídǎo.

 当我们祷告时,Dāng wǒ men dǎo gào shí, 

要凭着对神的信心与我们同在,yào píngzhe duì shén de xìnxīn yǔ wǒmen tóng zài, 

愿一切荣耀归给神。yuàn yī qiè róngyào guī gěi shén. 

愿我们主耶稣基督的恩典与平安与你们大家同在。 Yuàn wǒmen zhǔ yēsū jīdū de ēndiǎn yǔ píng'ān yǔ nǐmen dàjiā tóng zài. 

阿门,   阿门。

 Ā mén, ā mén. ❤️ 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Visit These Places

 1. Antelope Canyon , Arizona , United States of America 🇺🇸 

2. Bacalar Lagoon , Mexico 🇲🇽 

3. Mangrove trees on Sumba island, Indonesia 🇮🇩 

4. Rice terraces in the village of Mae-Jam, Thailand 🇹🇭 

5. Volcano eruption at Fimmvōrđuhãls , Iceland 🇮🇸 

6. Lotus Lake at dawn , Thailand 🇹🇭; Pool of lotus flowers in the mist . 

7. Lofgren Islands under snow , Norway 🇳🇴 

8. Pammukale thermal (terraces) pools , Turkey 🇹🇷 

9. Rapa Nui National Park , Easter Island, Chile 🇨🇱 

10. View of Lake Wagenbrūchsee , Germany 🇩🇪 Fog parch and sunrise 🌅