Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Knowledge of HOLY

 ● seeks to restore a   transformative vision of GOD'S divine attributes — such as His infinity, immutability, and sovereignty. 

● delve into the profound mysteries of GOD'S nature,

● rediscover a sense of awe and reverence. 

● By combining rich theological insights with heartfelt devotion,  ignite a yearning for a deeper spiritual experience that transcends the ordinary,  urging human soul to cultivate a closer, more intimate relationship with the ALMIGHTY. 

● yearning to grasp the true essence of GOD.

● embark on a faithful journey of renewed worship and profound spiritual   understanding, love relationship with GOD ALMIGHTY 

♥︎◆♡ pursue a life of profound faith and devotion

Chapter 1:The Necessity of

Knowing GOD - Introduction to

Divine Attributes

● Understanding the necessity of 

knowing GOD is fundamental to a deeper faith and comprehensive  understanding of the divine attributes

● a proper view of GOD is crucial, not only for individual believers but for the spiritual health and vitality of the church as a whole. 

● A distorted or inadequate understanding of GOD leads to various errors in doctrine and

practice, impacting every aspect of life. 

●This necessity is rooted in the fact that our perception of GOD influences how we live, make decisions, and interact with the world. 

● one must start with an understanding of GOD'S nature, considering both His transcendence and  immanence.

● Transcendence refers to GOD'S utterly distinct and   superior nature compared to His creation, highlighting His majesty and infinite superiority.

●This makes God fundamentally other — above and beyond all that we humans know or experience. 
●On the other hand, immanence  emphasizes God's presence and activity within creation. 
●GOD is not a distant deity unconcerned with the universe; instead, GOD is intimately involved and present in the lives of His creatures. 
●These two aspects must
be held in balance to avoid diminishing the full character of GOD.
● By understanding GOD'S transcendence, we come
to appreciate the awe and reverence due to Him.
● This recognition challenges any tendency to bring GOD down to our human's level, an error which can lead to a casual or irreverent approach to the faith of GOD. 
●At the same time, grasping GOD'S immanence reassures
us of His nearness, prompting a personal relationship grounded in His care and concern for our daily lives.
● comprehending these
attributes of GOD is not merely an intellectual exercise but has profound practical implications.
● When we rightly apprehend who GOD IS , it transforms  our worship, deepens our faith, and enhances our ability to trust Him amidst life’s
● Moreover, a true knowledge of GOD'S nature lays the foundation for ethical
conduct, motivating us to reflect His attributes in
our lives.
●In summary, understanding the necessity of knowing God as outlined is about    recognizing the importance of a rightly balanced view of His transcendence and immanence. 
● This foundational knowledge shapes our faith, influences our conduct, and enables us to
experience a richer, more meaningful relationship
with the Divine. 
● It is this deeper understanding that one believes is essential for true Christian living and spiritual vitality.

 Chapter 2:The Holiness of GOD - The Heart of His Character

● The Holiness of God - The Heart of His Character

● A deep dive into the attribute of God’s holiness reveals it as the central, defining characteristic of His divine essence. 

● Holiness is not merely an

aspect of GOD'S BEING but the very core of what it means for HOLY GOD to be TRUE GOD. 

● It is through His holiness that all other attributes find their context and coherence*. (*coherence ~ 1. the quality of being logical and consistent. 2.the quality of forming a unified whole.)

● When we speak of GOD'S holiness, we refer to His utter purity and absolute moral  perfection. 

● GOD is entirely set apart from all creation, a fact that elevates Him far above any  human or angelic being.

● The concept of divine holiness underscores that

GOD is inherently and utterly good, free from any form of evil, blemish, or imperfection. 

●This attribute sets GOD apart from all His creations,  highlighting His transcendence. 

● GOD'S holiness is not merely an abstract idea but an active, vibrant characteristic that influences His interactions  with the cosmos. 

● GOD'S holiness demands a moral and ethical response from humans, who are created beings made to reflect GOD'S own image. 

● GOD'S holiness means that He cannot tolerate sin in any form. This intolerance of sin is not a capricious* or arbitrary stance; rather, it flows   naturally from His very nature.

(*capricious* ~ given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour. "it's terrible to feel our livelihood hinges on a capricious boss"

Similar: fickle, 

inconstant, changeable, variable, unstable, mercurial, 

volatile, erratic, vacillating, 

irregular, inconsistent, fitful, arbitrary, impulsive, 

temperamental, wild, 


fanciful, flighty, wayward,

quirky, faddish, freakish, 

unpredictable, random, 

chance, haphazard,

Opposite: stable, consistent,

•changing according to no discernible rules; unpredictable.)

 ● Our understanding of   GOD'S holiness should lead us to a profound sense of reverence and awe.

● Humans, in their fallen state, are naturally inclined to sin, making GOD'S holiness an  unattainable standard. 

● Yet, it is this very attribute   that enables us to recognize our need for His grace and mercy.

● The implications of GOD'S  holiness for humanity are profound. Firstly, it reveals the great gulf that exists between man and GOD. This separation underscores the need for a mediator, which   Christians understand to be Jesus Christ.

● Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection bridge the gap, making it possible for humans to approach the Holy One. 

●This pathway to   reconciliation is rooted in   GOD'S holiness and the   requirement for atonement.

● Moreover, the call to emulate GOD'S holiness is a  recurring theme in the Bible. In Leviticus 19:2, GOD commands, “Be holy because I, the LORD your GOD, am holy.” This call is echoed in the New Testament, where believers are invited to a life of sanctification, striving to reflect GOD'S pure and holy nature in their daily conduct. 

● This pursuit of holiness involves a continuous process   of moral and spiritual growth, requiring believers to set themselves apart from worldly values and sinful behaviors.

● The pursuit of holiness is not about adhering to a list of rules or achieving moral superiority, but about aligning oneself with the very character of GOD. It’s an invitation to live in a way that mirrors GOD'S  own purity and moral perfection. This reflection, though always imperfect in this life, brings glory to God and serves as a witness to His transformative power.

Another important implication of GOD'S holiness is its effect on worship. True worship must be rooted in an acknowledgment of GOD'S holy nature. Anything less falls short of revering Him as He deserves. Worship becomes a transformative experience when believers encounter the Holy GOD, leading to genuine repentance and spiritual renewal.

To summarize, understanding and revering the

holiness of God is essential for a robust and

meaningful relationship with Him. 

God’s holiness delineates Him as absolutely unique and morally perfect, drawing a clear distinction between the CREATOR and the created. 

It underscores the seriousness of sin, the necessity of atonement, and the high calling to moral and spiritual purity.

● Embracing the holiness of God leads believers to deeper worship, sincere repentance, and a life set on reflecting God’s unique and glorious character. 

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