Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Pure At Heart

THE PURE AT HEART (8271 words)

心地纯洁 (向下滚动)

Well good afternoon. We know that the sense of freedom most people have is quite limited to freedom to move from country to country, or the freedom of body, freedom perhaps of the mind but never from the limitation of the parenthesis of a limited life span. That freedom is hard to come by and perhaps today we can expand our sense of freedom to see that the true meaning of freedom must be total absence of every form of human limitation. That might sound like a utopia but then again, heaven is just such a utopia. 

Now for those of you, who are going to take notes, here are the passages we are going to discuss. You can jot them down all at once, the chapters and the verse. And then we will have a smoother continuity as we go through. The chapters are Proverbs 3:5, Jeremiah 9:23-24; then we are going to look at Habakkuk 1:13; Matthew 5:8, 6:25, 12:25; Mark 12:29-32; John 4:25; Romans 8:8-14; Galatians 6:3 and Revelations 21:7. We won’t stay very long on all of them. 

Now the reason these have been selected is this: there is a continuity in which all of these particular verses share one major theme. And that theme is the lifting of a great mystery. Now with the knowledge that we are going to lift a mystery for ourselves, let us look first at Proverbs 3:5. Now this is:

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” And we want to see here what is being conveyed to us. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Now is a translation by Moffatt which is a little different than this and if I recall it reads, “Trust in the eternal with all thine heart;” instead of trust in the Lord. Meaning they are synonymous to Moffatt. 

Now the Lord in this Old Testament has always been interpreted to be an individual, God. And we have learned that the Lord referred to here is not an individual but rather the Spirit, the Infinite Invisible which mankind has called God. Trust in the infinite invisible with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. Now this is the starting point of the idea, which develops slowly through the Bible until it becomes a very effective forceful principle. A principle that you can depend upon in any circumstance to lift from you the material problems of this world!

Now we are starting out then with the belief that the world up to the coming of Spiritual knowledge on earth always thought God or the Lord was a person—a super human being. And now we are looking back at the Old Testament, we are seeing in Proverbs, trust the eternal, the invisible. Trust your own invisible Self. Your own invisible Self trust with all your heart and lean not unto the understanding of your human selfhood. Now you have to catch the distinction then between your invisible Self and your visible human self and that is the meaning of the phrase—it is turning you from your own human mind to another mind. And this is going to be the key that unlocks the door to the kingdom. Trust not your own human mind but trust the divine mind. And this is the phrase then that we must live with for a moment because Spirit is bringing us the truth that will give us the freedom that the world has been unable to find. The changing from a human mind to a divine unlocks the door. And, of course, the next question will be what are we going to do to do this and the answer won’t come immediately. There will be more of the same throughout scripture emphasizing so that you can never forget it, that you must a transition in mind. And this will be clarified that your transition in mind is from a human mind to a divine mind or consciousness. And this journey is not in time, not in space, not in geography. This is a journey completely performed within your own consciousness.

Now we go to Jeremiah 9:23-24. Now you will discover that Jeremiah has taken this truth from Proverbs and has amplified it. Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:

But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for these things I delight, saith the Lord. Neither our own wisdom, our own might, our own power, our own glory: we are being thought to rely upon me, the Lord. And you know where me, the Lord, is. You are being told to rely upon the center of your own being. Not in your human wisdom, your human sense of might or power or glory. And this is a continuation of the same command in Proverbs. 

And now on to Habakkuk and we see there another facet of this. Speaking of the Father, thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: Now underneath this we see that we are being given a release from the human mind which must behold iniquity, which must behold evil and we are being instructed that if we wish to avoid the experience of evil and of iniquity, we must graduate from the human mind which is automatically bonded to matter—which is both good and evil. And we must learn how to look out from the divine vision, which cannot behold iniquity, which is too pure to look upon evil. Again the transition in consciousness is being stressed here, advising you that until you are looking through the divine mind, you are chained to your senses, glued to the good and evil of matter. And therefore cannot find the freedom that you seek.

Now these are the earlier prophets and as we graduate into Matthew, we find Matthew telling us: Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. And we must understand what a pure at heart individual is. Because the reward of those pure at heart is that they shall see God. Now to be pure at heart involves no contradiction of thought. And when you behold the world through the human mind, you are receiving human thought, you are in the web of human thought; you are not receiving divine thought and therefore there is an impurity. For example, you have a backache. But John tells us that all things were made by God and certainly none of us wishes to say that God did not make anything that was not perfect, and therefore, we can find no place in God’s creation for a backache. But glued to your mind you experience the backache, and therefore, you are not the pure at heart. And there will be either a backache or recurring other aches or other problems until you are that pure at heart individual who does not see the world through a human mind. When you do not see the world through a human mind, then divine thought is that which enables you to see so purely that you behold an experience: no evil and no iniquity. It is clear then that there is a place right here even though iniquity and evil might appear in that same place evil and iniquity can disappear when behold through the mind which is pure at heart. And that is not the conditioned human mind. The miracle of transforming a backache to harmony is the consciousness, which is looking through that mind which is the mind of God, and therefore, is thinking the thoughts of God. And those thoughts externalize, become the absence of the backache. 

Now all of this is slowly leading us to a more expanded concept of the word freedom. We could go to Matthew 6:25: Take no thought and stop right there and you see that your thought emanating from a human mind is what is meant, take no human thought. And now you go a step further and see that divine thought must be the outpicturing which you experience when you are able to take no human thought. Then divine thought outpictures itself as the perfection of being. And so we are lacking together these pearls from the very prophets through Matthew and we come again where the tells us that a house divided against itself must fall: (Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation): and that house divided is the potential in you of the divine mind obscured by the activity of a human mind. That obscuring of the divine mind in you by the activity of the human is the house divided. 

Now we are seeking then an elimination of that thought in man which projects into our experience the evils of this world. The fabric of every form of disease and discord and problems that we experience is thought. That is the fabric of every problem. But what we wish to reveal today in a new light that the thought, which is your experience of a problem, is not your thought. It appears to be your thought. And if you will trace this with me carefully you may come to a new experience. Perhaps you have had a moment when you had a thought but something you was able to stand there and recognize that thought as not the truth—not reality, as if that thought even though it come through your mind was not your own. You felt that little glimpse of a gap between the thought and yourself. As if this was something being forced upon you that wasn’t even yours. Now if you ever had that little glimpse or if it does ever occur to you, recognize it as the beginning of a new revelation for you. For that little gap in which you can begin to feel independent of your own thought is the start of a great and momentous insight, which may come further along further along this line. I really don’t have a human mind because if I had a human mind, I would be a house divided. God the Father, the divine mind, can never be a human mind. And if God is one and there is no other, then there is only divine mind. And therefore if I have a human mind, I am automatically separated from the divine mind. And in that separation I will experience the evils of this world. And so we separate the belief in a human mind. 

And then we come to the thought that I have a divine mind because there is only one. But as you dwell there a moment that you have a divine mind; who is this individual that has a divine mind? It there another than the one infinite Self. And so I cannot have anything. And suddenly I glimpse the fact that I am divine mind. I am divine mind. And as you dwell here a moment, you will find that something in you begins to reject human thought as unworthy of you. I am divine mind. I am divine image. I am the divine selfhood expressing for there is no other. And as you dwell here in divine mind, as your mind, you know that this divine mind that you are cannot behold iniquity. It is too pure to behold evil. And so gradually, you reject the appearances of evil and iniquity because they were the evidence that you are in a human mind. And because you are in a divine mind, because that is the substance of your being, you learn to reject appearances and this teaches you the nature of evil. You will discover that the universal shadow of your own mind, your own divine Self mind has imitation thought and this universal thought becomes your individual human thought. You are never being presented with your own belief. Always your belief is the universal thought that enters into you expressing itself within you which you mistake to believe your personal thought. This is a momentous discovery. When you glimpse it, when it becomes understood, you will look at a backache and say, “this appears to be my experience but it is not.” It is not my experience. It is a universal experience planted in me and the method by which it is planted in me is that this universal imitation mind, this universal mortal mind, is the human mind. It is the human mind. It forms itself in each of us as the human mind. And that which we call our human mind is nothing but the expression of the universal mortal mind. And that is why when we try to use our mind to protect ourselves it is a useless task. We don’t have a mind to protect ourselves with. That which is within us expressing the backache, the disease, the problem is not our mind—it is the universal mind wearing a disguise calling itself the human mind. We do not have a human mind. We are the divine mind. 

And this mist, the universal mind, which appears to be our human mind, fools us and has fooled us for six thousand years. Now this revelation was made by Joel in a little different way when he said never, never consider the patient but always remove the fabric of the claim which is the universal error. And to bring that into understanding so that we can locate where the bottleneck has been, I would like to see that the bottleneck is the human mind which does not know that it is nothing more than the universal mortal mind individualized in us. And that human mind being the child of the universal mortal mind is completely at the mercy of its parent. It cannot think for itself although you will think that you are thinking for yourself. And so you begin to see why the prophets of old tell us not to lean on our own understanding. Because our own understanding is with a human mind which we do not have! The world around us is the thought of the universal mortal mind. That thought appears as the density of matter. And as long as our individual minds are that universal mortal mind we will deal with and live and experience the density of matter, which is not placed there by the divine mind. 

Now this is the nature of the universal hypnotism which holds us in a very tight web of good and evil matter, diseased matter, broken matter, corrupted matter, dying matter and eventually dead matter. All nothing more than a projection within the universal mortal mind which is your individual mind and then looks out upon its own projection and says, yes there it is. This double play of the universal mind outside of you and in you is the hypnotist. And also your acceptance of the hypnotism so that you now walk around in a universal mortal mind within you and without you accepting the within mind as your own when it is nothing but the universal within you believing its own universal projections of matter. This was the basis of the healing work that Joel did. This was the basis of the Infinite Way because without the healing work substantiating the truths he revealed there could be no credibility to the principles that evolved. 

Now as long as you strive with your human mind to overcome your problems, you are like the man in the straightjacket who squirms and finds it get tighter. And therefore we now listen with renewed interest in the prophets who knew the truth and new that we could only be free of our problems when we were free of that mind in us which was both the creator of the problems and the recognizer of the problems it had created. This dual form of hypnotism clutches at the throat of all of humanity and you can never steer clear of it while you are taking human thought while you are leaning on your own understanding. While you are scratching your chin and saying let me see now. Let me apply logic to this, reason, analysis. Let me psychoanalyze. All of this is using the universal mortal mind in you and it will not condemn itself. It is hypnotized. It is a mind, which does not exist. The nonexistent universal mortal mind becomes the nonexistent individual human mind and between this one divided into two, we have our divided house recognizing outside of ourselves from within ourselves the density of matter, which God did not create. 


And the way to freedom is fourfold: and I try to translate it into something that you can easily remember. There are four letters. INIS. You might jot those down just to remember. INIS. And now we will translate that because this is a fourfold way of stepping out of bondage to the hypnotism. 

The first one, I: is for you to recognize that universal mortal mind is a counterfeit. It is the father of this world. It is the mind, which gives us an atomic universe. It is the mind, which puts before us images in time and space. It is the mind, which presents to us the good and the evil of this world. This universal mortal mind, this I, must be impersonalized. The impersonalization of universal mortal mind is the first letter I that I have given you. Impersonalize and see that there is no universal mortal mind. It really is the devil—the nonexistent counterfeit of divine mind. Once you know it is a counterfeit, you are ready for:

Step number two: N. Nothingize. What can a counterfeit mind present but a counterfeit existence. And therefore nothingize the material world about you. Nothingize all that is matter. Impersonalize the universal mortal mind as reality and then Nothingize the world about you. Nothingize the claims. Nothingize the good. Nothingize the evil for only Spirit is real. That which is presenting pictures of the flesh of matter, of material problems is the universal counterfeit mind. It has no reality, no power, and no real existence. It can only present its own dream fabric and it presents to us the atom dream. This atom dream, this world, learn to nothingize. And that is your second step. Impersonalize, nothingize. 

We come to the I and this is your third Step. You must through your constant practicing through you awareness the Self of your Being. You must be able to rest in I. You Impersonalize, you have nothingized, now you are resting in I. I, the Self, the Spirit, the Image of God, the One, the Alpha and the Omega, I, the Infinite Invisible, I the Child of God, the Christ of God. This is my name and therefore my mind is the Christ Mind. I am the Divine Mind, the Divine Being for there is no other. 

And as you rest in Divine Being, you then go into your silence. And that is the Fourth Step—I and then Silence. So you have INIS. I did it that way so that you can remember it. If I am in IS, I will look out at this world and the I of my Being will reveal the non-power, the nothingness of the images that flow through time and space. 

Now these four steps are the healing principles. They must be practiced. There are many stumbling blocks in their usage. But ultimately when practiced each opens up like a bud and reveals to you a new depth of power within you; until ultimately you can stand fast in the presence of iniquities, of impurities; because, you, through this practice of these four principles become the Pure at Heart who can see the universe that is. And that is seeing God. 

Now let us go a little deeper here because there is an understanding in this that can help us all. When we are looking out at the world today, we are seeing images in our own mind. And these images in our own mind are also images that have been placed out there by the parent of our mind, the universal mind. And so we merely corroborate those images and this is what binds us. Now these are images in thought. Images in thought are imagination. And the world that we experience humanly is our imagination. That is why it is called the dream fabric, the Adam dream. And you can spend your many lifetimes picking little pieces out of this imagined world to improve it or you can follow the prophets who say, “do not be concerned with the things of this world because they are images in time and space.” These are the decoys. When you seek health, happiness, and wealth; although these are desirable they are desirable to the human mind of you which is the universal mortal mind. Disguising itself within you it builds your desire for something not of the Father but of this world. And so you seek health and happiness and wealth. But you are not seeking it—the universal mortal mind in you is seeking it for you and you are a victim. This is not your thought but seems to be. You are not capable of original thought. The only thinker in the universe is Divine Mind. And the more you persuade yourself that you are capable of original thought, the more you are under universal hypnotism. 

Now these images in thought are universal counterfeit images, “not in my Father’s kingdom, but this world.” And yet, when thought these four principles of Impersonalizing, Nothingizing, going into I until the Spirit is upon you and then being Silent those outer the images are changed. They are transformed. The outer images of both good and evil, death, disease and dying are transformed and the Divine Image or the image of Divine Thought appears there and you behold God. You behold Reality. And this is the ultimate freedom: when our own human mind has been overcome we have overcome the world because that is all the world is, your own human mind. And your own human mind is nothing but the universal mortal mind in disguise, which has placed the world here. 

To overcome the world is to learn the technique of Impersonalizing, Nothingizing, I AMING, and finally stillness SILENCE. Infinite Silence in which Divine Thought through you, because you are now purified of human though; Divine Thought through you purifies the false images and Divine Images appear sustained by the Power of God in you. And so at this point we have a degree of understanding about why the prophets said, “Lean not on thine own understanding.” Take no human thought, don’t be a house divided. 

Now I know these principles work, Joel revealed these principles only four times that I know of in eight years while he was making talks around the world. And the only thing that I don’t recall seeing in Joel is this: Oh, I am sure I will find it, is that you human mind is the universal mortal mind—disguised. This revelation may either be something I am merely recalling from the past or it may be a revelation. But it is Truth. 

And so you have the problem now of a mind in you that is not your mind. And as you dwell upon this you will discover that it is not even in you. It is in your false sense of self, which it, itself, has created. Now from this it is possible that your shoulders can suddenly lose all the weight of the world. You can feel, well, if there is no universal mortal mind what is the difference what it pictures out here. That is difficulty only because your own human mind, being that universal mortal mind, will always respond to those pictures. 

And so you have to come to a place where you feel that when your thought is expressing itself, you feel the gap between your own thought and your True Being. And in the glimpse of the non-reality of your own thought, you will become aware of the way that will ultimately make you: Independent of human though: Independent of the images in human thought. Independent of this double form of hypnosis between the universal and the individual both being the one same, non-existent mind. And then you will step clear of it. You will watch your thought with no reaction. And I know this is subtle and tricky. And that is why you have to stay with it forever until your own thought can not mesmerize you into accepting what it is presenting to you from the universal. And you can look at it and say, mortal mind, this world, arm of flesh, unreal, nothing, having nothing to do with me at all. A superimposed series of illusions! Series of ideas! Oh, if you could just stop them and see the illusion that would be easy, but it is continuous series of illusion. The deeper you go then within your Self to release Divine Thought, the quicker and the easier it will be to detect the non-reality of human thought. 

Now that will be the first part for this moment, let’s dwell on it in the Silence. Let’s go through our four principles. The world is presenting pictures of: war, devastation, disease, suffering, sin, crime, rape, arson, but all things were created by God who did not create these things and therefore where are they? They are counterfeit presentations from a counterfeit universal mind. That is Step Number One. And therefore this imitation universal mind which is not in my Father’s mind is non-existent. I will impersonalize that mind; it cannot exist.


And therefore Second Step whatever it presents in the form of discord, disharmony, disease, disaster cannot be a presentation of God, is a presentation of a non-existent mind, and therefore, it is nothing. And I am Nothingizing it within my Self. It is nothing and the mind presenting it is nothing. But I unfortunately have that same mind so I cannot continue on this trend of thought any longer. I must now crucify my mind. I must transcend it. I must come to the level of Divine Mind—that is my Mind. My Mind is the Mind of God. “Son all that I have is thine.” That includes my Mind. My Mind is your Mind. You have my word for it that my Mind and your Mind are one and the same. Therefore Divine Mind is your Mind. 

We take the Father’s world, “I and the Father are one.” One Mind! One Self! One Infinite Body! Ever Perfect! And because I am this One Self, ever perfect, I am not a universal mortal mind individualized into a human mind. And I not accept these iniquities not created by God. I rest in the Divine Mind. Side A – starts to garble too fast of a speed. 

Starting side B. And then these needs become that which activates our entire human existence and the needs are a decoy. You have no human needs. And the reason you have no human needs is because there is no human being. That which I seek, I already am. And the needs we think we are seeking are already contained in the spiritual existence that we are turning away from while we are seeking to locate those needs in the nonexistent material world. With that in mind and with what we have heard so far let us see that we are being taught how to go beyond the universal illusion in one bold stroke. Not piecemeal, individually, section by section but by transcending the mind, which has accepted the universal illusion. And so you come to the two commandments and you may see them in a different light. We are going to look at them in Mark; this is part of the list you originally took before so you won’t have to take it again. 

Now we come to a place here in Mark in the 12th chapter: (12:28-31) “And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Now when you think of the first commandment you begin with “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.” Whereas it is imperative to see the line above it! Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

 Because the moment you have the understanding there is only one infinite intelligence, one infinite mind, one infinite good, where does the evil come from? Where does the hypnotism come from? Where does the illusion come from? Where does the world come from, the good and evil world, if the Lord our God is one. And therefore to rectify this aberration of the human mind: thou shall love thy Lord thy God. Thou shall love the one without opposite, the one infinite Self with all thy heart. Thou shall love the one mind with all thy heart, with all thy soul and all thy mind. And so you have to turn your mind to the One Mind and this is the first commandment. Isn’t that the fruition of the early prophets saying, “lean not on my own understanding?” 

Now this One Mind then which is too pure to behold iniquity, is the one mind and every time you find your self beholding iniquity, remember you are disobeying the first commandment. Every iniquity you behold is disobedience to this commandment, “to love the Lord thy God with all thy mind (heart, soul, strength).” And it isn’t telling you that to say oh you are a bad boy or a bad girl, it isn’t telling you that to punish you; it is telling you that to enlighten you to expose you to reality of the kingdom of truth and perfection where there is pain no longer. It is telling you that to lead you into the light. And so when you behold iniquity, remember only iniquity only that which is not real can behold iniquity. The light cannot behold iniquity. Don’t take it personally but impersonalize the you that is beholding iniquity and rest in I, the light, until the light beholds the light and the iniquity dissolves. That is the reason for the first commandment to turn us away from the hypnotized nonexistent human mind. 

“And the second is like, namely this, love thy neighbor as thy self. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Because only the false mesmerized mind is picturing anything but the light of God as your neighbor. And so it starts with you and then your neighbor and extends to your neighbors throughout the universe and you have covered all there is in the realization of one perfect mind and all that it can think of and outpictures a perfection creation. And where I do not see a perfect creation is only because I am not looking through that mind. I am in a separate mind; I am a house divided. And this is how you know you are in a house divided. 

The moment the back aches, the moment the finances dwindle and that is the time for you to stand fast because you can never really be in a separate mind, you can only seem to be. You can never really be sick or dying you can only seem to be. You can never be hurting; you can seem to be. If you really were hurting then there would be no God, no all-knowing, all-powerful God. No we are not hurting we seem to be because we have a strict mind. And we are not dying we seem to be because we have this strict mind. And we are not stealing or robbing or being stolen from it is all this universal mind functioning within us as our individual minds making us all see the same picture that it presents out there. “Stand ye still and behold the salvation of the Father.”

Now when you find you are able to stand still there will be that second gap between the world thought and your silence in which you can just see not only world thought but the entire world as a nonexistent. You really can feel its weightlessness. It is a flash. It is an intuitive insight into the truth of all being as perfection. 

Now we know why the commandments are there. Why he could discard nine of them, keep only one and then substitute another. He was turning us away from the universal hypnotism of a universal nonexistent mind. That explains to us John 4:24, when he says, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (If you wish to worship God you must worship him and truth and in spirit) meaning you cannot do it with a human mind. You cannot say I believe, or I declare for Christ. You cannot come forward to the podium and say, I believe in God. You can do it but you are not worshiping in truth and spirit. And when the evangelist leads town you are going to have a difficult time doing something about your belief because until you find spirit within there is nothing to believe in except words and images in thought. And they are not the foundation that will hold when the rain and the winds come. 

Now there is an important one in Romans 8:8-14. Paul he gives us an understanding of the flesh that we must know. “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” Now look at that and see flesh as matter, see human mind as matter. And it occurs to me that when you speak about your heart you know what is over here. In fact you can find it if you have too. When you speak about your brain you can find it. When you speak about the organs in your body you can find them. And when you speak about your human mind for some reason you cannot find it. And the strange reason is that it isn’t there to find. It is just something you have given a name to that has no reality. We can’t put our mind in a glass tube and look at it. We can’t operate on it. We can’t touch it. We can’t do anything with it. 

Because, “I of mine own self can do nothing.” Because I have no human mind! This is the greatest illusion of all. And it sort of paralyzes you for awhile to think that he really means it as if what am I going to do now. And what you are going to do now is either go on thinking you have a mind and using it or resting in the divine mind which is ever present for the kingdom of God is at hand. The divine mind is at hand. And may be when you cut all the human static you might find that the divine mind is very present and available. Now did a human mind do the healings of Jesus or was it the absence of that human mind in which divine mind changed the human images to divine images, soul forms, sustained by the divine mind? With this human mind we serve mammon and when we are in the divine mind we have been purified and we serve God. 

Now then those who are in the fleshly mind cannot see God. Those who are in the human mind cannot see God. And here is Paul continuing that long line right up from Proverbs right up to this. (Romans 8:8-14) “So then they that are in the flesh (translated they that are in the fleshly mind cannot see God) cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, (you are not in the fleshly mind you seem to be) but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. (Meaning if you have taken the time and the effort to develop your consciousness of the Spirit of God that dwells in you to release your concept of matter and to accept the invisible reality of Spirit until you become conscious of its activity and truly say, I am now spiritually conscious then you are realizing that Spirit dwells in you and you are not in the fleshly mind. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin (that is the end of all forms of evil in the body—it is dead to sin when you have realized your spiritual identity) but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 

Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.

For if ye live after the flesh, (meaning the fleshly mind, the mind of the human being) ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit (the mind of the Spirit, divine mind) do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” 

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Well if we are not the sons of God what are we—we are nothing? But only those led by the Spirit are the sons of God.) 

Now in Galatians 6:3 a little more of the same and it is important to see it just to establish it strong enough so that we don’t forget it. “For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. And that must be translated this way: if a man thinketh himself to be something means thinks that he has a mind of his own when he is nothing which means when he has no mind of his own he deceiveth himself thinking that he has a mind of his own. Always they are driving us away from the belief in the human mind. There will be some who tell you occasionally that the human mind is divine. I know you can give them a dozen reasons why it can’t be: one of the best that I have discovered is that the human mind forgets. I can’t picture a divine mind forgetting anything. And if you notice when you today absorb a certain degree of truth why is it a month later that is all forgotten somehow? Because you human mind absorbed it and you don’t have one. And that is why the truth seems to go through your fingers. And that is why it is not enough to repeat truth in the mind. You are taking truth with an illusion and the illusion seems to have the truth but doesn’t. And so you forget it or it isn’t there when you need it because it never got any further than the illusory human mind. That is the reason why we cannot say impersonlize, nothingize, and know who you are. You have to go into the silence that takes you beyond the mind, transcends it and plants the truth in your consciousness. There it stays.

The final phrase, which I wish you to remember, is this. In Revelations, revelation of John the Divine! Way, way at the end! “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” He that overcometh the temptation to believe that I have a human mind! This is the crux of the infinite way teaching. If you can overcome the temptation to believe that you have a human mind, you will find the divine mind present, active, perfect, functioning as your mind. And the true meaning of “Blessed are the pure in heart,” comes down to this: when you have that capacity to trust the spontaneous activity of the divine mind where you stand, you will be pure at heart. When you can without taking human though trust the divine mind where you are to function perfectly in all circumstances that spontaneous trust permanently is the status of purity of heart. That is when you know that the divine mine and I are one and the same. Divine mind does not have to rehearse. Divine mind doesn’t have to prepare. Divine mind doesn’t have to mull things over. It is perfect and always perfect. And when you can trust it to be that this is that ultimate demonstration of a Jesus Christ who didn’t mind how many came to dinner he could feed them because divine mind never, never is less than infinite in scope, infinite in power, infinite in presence. And only when these are our consciousness are we pure in heart. That is our destiny. That is our goal. “He that overcometh to him will I be God and he will be my son.” To overcome that temptation that God is not on the scene that divine mind is not here and that I am therefore with my little human mind had better do something because if I don’t God will not. That is the tempter. 

Now we are going to take our problem whatever it is and put it to the test of our four principles. We have done this before but never with these principles in this sequence. Now let’s see that whatever problem I have God did not create. And nothing was created except by the Father. Therefore my problem has no real creator. Without a real creator it can’t be a real problem. It is real to whom? To my human mind, ah. Now we see why it is so real. It is real to my human mind. Now let’s go back and see the sequence where does this human mind come from. It comes from the universal mortal mind. It that God mind? No! All right if it isn’t God mind, it wasn’t created by God, who created it? Nobody! Only God is creator, that which was not created by God was not created. And so we have a universal mortal mind with no creator just like my problem and it can’t be a real mind because it has no real creator. I have impersonalized the universal mortal mind. It has no real existence. Not it is the creator of all of the problems of this world including mine. But if it has no creator, if it has no real existence because it was not created by God, it is illusion. Now what can an illusion create? It can only create problems that appear to be there but they must be illusions. How can an illusion externalize itself? Can a mirage create something? Can a snake that is not in a tree but only appears to be can it bite? So the universal mortal mind which is illusion can only create illusions. Illusory problems one of which I have, maybe ten! And now this illusory problem is recognized by what? By my human mind! And what is it? It beholds iniquity. Divine mind does not. The Lord thy God is one said Jesus. There is only one divine mind there is no other mind. That divine mind being infinite has no opposite. What is this human mind that recognizes my illusory problem? It is a mind not created by God. If it were it would be perfect and infinitely incapable of beholding iniquity. And it would be permanent. It would never change. It would not go up and down. It has no creator. Therefore it is not real. And therefore it is illusion. What is not real is illusion. I have an illusory mind beholding an illusory problem placed there by an illusory mortal mind universal. I have impersonalized, I have nothingized and now I must go into the truth. God is omnipresent. God is present here now. God is the substance of all reality. Therefore I must be that substance to be real. I am that which is the substance, the essence, and the emanation of the Father. I must therefore be immaculate. The essence of God can never be less than itself, which is immaculate. I am that essence. I am eternally perfect for I am that which is created of God. And all that I have is given me by the Father. And therefore it is eternally perfect. I have nothing except that which is given me by the Father. That which I am is immaculate forever. It is the power of God, the truth of God, the reality of God. It cannot bow to an external power for there is no external power. God is infinite power. And all power is in the son of which I am. 

My identity then is Spirit and this is the third step I am spirit not matter. I am Spirit not human body. I am Spirit not human mind. I am perfection not human imperfection. I am identifying myself properly in my third step. I am the living Spirit of God, I and the Father are one and where the Father is there can be no imperfection. And now I have come over the illusion by my proper identity of myself and I can rest in what I am knowing that the power of the Spirit of God, the presence of the Spirit of God, the omniscience of the Spirit of God can only be present they have no opposites. And as I dwell in the silence now I am being still in knowing that I am God. I and the Father are one. Be still and know within yourself I am God. I am the substance, the essence, the truth, the reality of God. And rest until in the presence of the Spirit realized there is liberty from the illusion of problems.

When you feel the Spirit you will know you have overcome the illusion even if at that instant it does not disappear it is slowly going to disappear from the mind for the power of the mind has been revealed as nonpower. Those who overcome for them I will be their God and they will be my son. Now I don’t care if it doesn’t work for the first ten times or the first hundred times, it works. It works. And sometimes it works so quickly it makes your head spin. Other times you wonder why in the world I have to work so hard at this. Practice, Practice, Practice—it works. It dissolves illusion. It reveals identity. And it admits into your consciousness a greater flow of the Spirit than before so that you can find your way into the many mansions and the more you practice the more you overcome the illusions of this world and all the potential illusions that harbor around every corner waiting to pounce upon that mind which is no mind at all. 

You can see here the key is the knowledge that the universal hypnotist is not only external to you but also internal to your physical selfhood. And this knowledge has a freeing effect but it isn’t enough to know it with a human mind. For the very mind that knows this truth is going to forget it tomorrow, it wants too. This mind is a stick that you must now poke into the fire and let it dissolve itself. And you do that now with the proper identity realized followed by – Be Still. And be sure of this when you declare within your self that I am God—this is the meaning of Be Still and Know. That the I which you have declared your self to be is I. It could be no other for I and the Father are One. 

That means I ought to be able to call you up and say heal me and you ought to be able to do it. That means you ought to be able to call me up and say heal me and I ought to be able to do it. But we will both do it to the degree that we do not try to do it as human beings but recognize the false claim is coming from a human mind which is not a human mind at all and impersonalize, nothingize—stand in the identity of your true self and be still.

Now each of the facets can be practiced. You don’t have to practice them all simultaneously or in cordinated sequence. Practice them individually. Look at the whole word impersonalize it. Look at all the claims of the world and nothingize them. Practice I the identity. And practice your stillness and put them all together and this the road to Christ Consciousness. 


 嗯,下午好。 我们知道,大多数人所拥有的自由感相当有限,仅限于从一个国家移居到另一个国家的自由,或者身体的自由,或许还有心灵的自由,但绝不会摆脱有限寿命的限制。 这种自由来之不易,也许今天,我们可以扩展我们的自由意识,看到自由的真正含义一定是完全不存在任何形式的人类限制。 这听起来像是一个乌托邦,但话又说回来,天堂就是这样一个乌托邦。

 现在,对于那些要记笔记的人来说,以下是我们将要讨论的段落。 你可以一次性记下它们,包括章节和诗句。 然后我们在经历过程中就会有更顺畅的连续性。 这些章节是箴言 3:5、耶利米书 9:23-24; 然后我们要看哈巴谷书 1:13; 马太福音 5:8, 6:25, 12:25; 马可福音 12:29-32; 约翰福音 4:25; 罗马书 8:8-14; 加拉太书 6:3 和启示录 21:7。 我们不会在所有这些问题上停留太久。

 现在,选择这些经文的原因是:所有这些特定经文都有一个连续性,都有一个主要主题。 这个主题是揭开一个巨大的谜团。 现在,我们知道我们要为自己解开一个谜团,让我们首先看一下箴言 3:5。 现在是:

 “你要全心信赖主; 不要依赖你自己的理解。” 我们想看看这里向我们传达了什么。 “你要全心信赖主; 不要依赖你自己的理解。” 现在是莫法特的翻译,与此略有不同,如果我记得的话,它是这样写的:“全心全意地相信永恒;” 而不是信靠主。 这意味着他们是莫法特的代名词。

 现在,旧约中的主一直被解释为一个个体,即上帝。 我们知道,这里所说的主不是一个个体,而是圣灵,无限不可见的,人类称之为上帝。 全心全意地相信无限的无形事物,不要依赖自己的理解。 这是这个想法的起点,它通过圣经慢慢发展,直到成为一个非常有效、有力的原则。 在任何情况下,你都可以依靠这个原则来解决这个世界的物质问题!

 现在我们开始相信,直到灵性知识来到地球之前,世界一直认为上帝或主是一个人——一个超人。 现在我们回顾旧约,我们在箴言中看到,相信永恒的、看不见的。 相信你看不见的自我。 你全心全意地信任你自己看不见的自我,不要依赖于对你人类自我的理解。 现在你必须抓住你看不见的自我和你可见的人类自我之间的区别,这就是这句话的含义——它正在把你从你自己的人类思想转向另一个思想。 这将是打开王国之门的钥匙。 不要相信你自己的人类思想,而要相信神圣的思想。 这就是我们必须暂时接受的这句话,因为圣灵正在给我们带来真理,它将给予我们世人无法找到的自由。 从人类思想到神性思想的转变打开了大门。 当然,下一个问题是我们要做什么来做到这一点,但答案不会立即出现。 整本圣经中将会有更多相同的内容,强调你必须在头脑中进行转变,这样你就永远不会忘记它。 这将澄清你的心智转变是从人类心智到神圣心智或意识。 这个旅程不属于时间,不属于空间,也不属于地理。 这是一次完全在你自己的意识中进行的旅程。    

现在我们来看耶利米书 9:23-24。 现在你会发现耶利米从箴言中汲取了这一真理,并加以放大。 耶和华如此说,智慧人不要因他的智慧夸口,勇士不要因他的勇力夸口,财主不要因他的财物夸口:


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