Monday, June 24, 2024

Study Dimensions


11 Dimensions Explained - Higher Dimensions Explained - All Dimensions Explained 

4th Dimension Explained - 4 Dimension - Fourth Dimension - Dimensions explained - Higher Dimensions

Where Are All The Hidden Dimensions?

Click here 

History of the Universe

"What If You Could Access the TENTH Dimension?" | 10D Explained ( click here )

The things you'll find in higher dimensions

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Physics Explained

Physicist Explains Dimensions in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED



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Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph.

11 Dimensions Explained - Higher Dimensions Explained - All Dimensions Explained #dimensions

All 11 dimensions are explained in this video one by one. The video includes- what are dimensions, how many dimensions are there in the universe according to different theories, how we can visualize higher dimensions and what is the geometrical structure of higher dimensions.

In this Video  ( click here to watch YouTube) I will also explain why we are not able to perceive higher dimensions although we might be living in higher dimensions unknowingly and what supernatural powers a being of higher dimensions would possess.

What we mean by dimensions?

Dimension of a point is defined as the minimum number of coordinates that are needed to specify that point in it.

How many dimensions are there in the universe?

According to classical physics there are 3 dimensions of space; length, breadth and height and one dimension is of time. String theory requires 10 dimensions but as per M theory total no. of dimensions are 11. In Bosonic string theory spacetime is 26 dimensional.

Why we are not able to perceive higher dimensions?

Actually we might be living in higher dimensions without being aware of it. But because of the limitations of our brain and senses we may not be able to perceive them.

According to some researches extra dimensions may be "curled up" at extremely small scales.

11 Dimensions Explained-

0th dimension (Zero Dimension)

There is no length, no breadth and no height of an object in the zeroth dimension. Example of zeroth dimension is a point.

1st dimension (First Dimension)

An object in first dimension has only one dimension i.e. length. A straight line is an example of first dimensional object. We can get straight line by joining two points.

2nd Dimension (Second Dimension)

Second dimensional objects also known as two dimensional or 2D objects are flat shapes. Some common examples of two dimensional shapes are squares and triangles.

3rd dimension (Third Dimension)

On adding one more dimension to 2 dimensional objects we enter into the world of three dimensions. This third dimension is of height. Therefore to represent three dimensional or 3D objects we need three coordinates length, breadth and height. Three dimensional objects are solid objects and therefore have non zero volume.

4th dimension (Fourth Dimension)

Time is considered the fourth dimension. A four Dimensional being can move freely in time dimension. It would have full control over time. He would be able to move in any desired direction in time; past or future.

But if we consider the fourth dimension from the geometrical point of view then hypercube is a 4 dimensional object. It is also called a tesseract. The relationship between a hypercube and a cube is same as that of cube and square. So in simple terms a hypercube or tesseract is four dimensional analog of the cube.

5th dimension (Fifth Dimension)

A person living in 5th dimension can control time in different ways. A fifth dimensional being can move either in past or future as per his wish. He would have all the powers that are possessed by a fourth dimensional being. But he would also be able to be present at different locations at the same time. It would also be possible for him to do many jobs and have different hobbies simultaneously.

6th dimension (Sixth Dimension)

A six dimensional being has all the powers that a person living in 5th dimension has along with some extra capabilities. But one limitation of the sixth dimension is that all the parallel universes must have the same beginning (initial conditions) that is the Big Bang.

7th dimension (Seventh Dimension)

Seventh dimension can have infinite number of universes. A seventh dimensional being can have infinite forms of itself and can move from one universe to any other universe. The 7th dimensional universes may have originated from different start conditions.

8th dimension (Eighth Dimension)

The eighth dimension has a plane of all the possible presents, pasts and futures for all the infinite number of parallel universes and all these infinite universes extend up to infinity.

9th dimension (Ninth Dimension)

Infinite number of universes exist in the ninth dimension. It is possible for the universes in the ninth dimension to have their own laws of Physics and separate conditions and probabilities of their origin. 

10th dimension (Tenth dimension)

The 10th dimensional being would have infinite powers. He would be able to do the things that are beyond your imagination. He would be able to control even the spacetime and everything present in all the infinite number of universes.

11th dimension (Eleventh dimension)

Many unanswered questions were arised when the superstring theory was introduced. Therefore to answer these questions, eleventh dimension was proposed by the researchers.

According to superstring theory, everything in the universe is made up of one dimensional and infinitely small vibrating loops called strings.

We Might Be Living in Higher Dimensions Unknowingly - Are We Living in Higher Dimensions- Hyperspace

Origin of the Universe - The Big Bang Theory - Timeline of the Universe - Timeline of Big Bang

The Mysterious World of 11 Dimensions - 11 Dimensions Explained- Higher Dimensions Explained

String Theory for Dummies - String Theory Explained

How Many Dimensions are There in the Universe - How Many Dimensions are Possible - Dimensions

Theories  On Quantum Immortality, click here 

One Hour Of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories On Quantum Immortality

Big Scientific Questions

One Hour Of Mind-Blowing Mystery Of Missing Antimatter | Full Documentary

Donald Hoffman - Consciousness, Mysteries Beyond Spacetime, and Waking up from the Dream of Life

Here is Everything We Don't Know (Extended)

Einstein's Quantum Riddle | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS

Beyond Higgs: The Wild Frontier of Particle Physics

Mind-Blowing Theories on Nothingness You Need to Know | Documentary

Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math

How Many Multiverses Are There?

The 9 Experiments That Will Change Your View of Light (And Blow Your Mind)

Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Physics is Different

One Hour Of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories On Quantum Immortality

Dive into the fascinating realm of biocentrism, a groundbreaking theory where human consciousness isn't just observing but actively shaping the universe. This concept challenges conventional understanding of space and time as mere constructs of the mind, reshaping our perception of reality, dreams, and the very nature of existence. Explore with us how biocentrism redefines life's journey, posits intriguing ideas about immortality through quantum physics, and positions humanity uniquely within the vast cosmos, offering a transformative view on the interconnectedness of all things. Join this thought-provoking exploration, where science and philosophy merge, altering our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

What Is The Theory Of Biocentrism? Does Your Consciousness Create The Fabric Of The Cosmos?

The theory of biocentrism, proposed by Robert Lanza, suggests that consciousness is not merely an observer but actively shapes reality, arguing that the universe is a construct of our consciousness. It challenges traditional views of space and time, seeing them as mental constructs rather than objective realities.

Are Dreams An Extension Of Physical Reality?

Biocentrism suggests that dreams could be more than mere imagination, potentially extending into physical reality. This theory posits that consciousness influences the creation of sensory experiences, blurring the line between dreams and waking life.

Do Time and Space Really Only Exist In Your Mind?

According to biocentrism, time and space are mental constructs and not objective realities, existing only in relation to conscious observers. This view challenges the traditional scientific understanding of space and time as external entities.

Is There Only A Series Of Eternal ‘Nows’?

Biocentrism proposes that reality might be a series of eternal 'Nows', challenging the traditional linear view of time. It suggests that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe, redefining the concept of death as a transition rather than an end.

Is Death Merely Transport Into Another Universe?

Biocentrism theorizes that death might be a transition to another universe, where consciousness persists. Supported by quantum mechanics and the concept of parallel universes, it suggests a continuous cycle of existence beyond physical death.

Are You Immortal According To Quantum Physics?

Quantum immortality, derived from quantum mechanics, posits that consciousness could continue in alternate universes after death. Rooted in the Many-Worlds Interpretation, it suggests that we might experience multiple deaths and continue existing in different timelines.

Is A Biocentric “Theory Of Everything” Possible?

A biocentric "Theory of Everything" suggests that the universe is shaped by consciousness, with life and consciousness being fundamental forces. This perspective challenges traditional scientific paradigms, offering a holistic view of the universe's interconnectedness.

What Is Life?

Life is a phenomenon characterized by resource consumption, replication, and a transition from nonliving to living matter. It's distinguished from nonliving systems by its adaptability, unpredictability, and continuity through genetic transmission.

Is “Self” Real?

The concept of the 'self' is debated, with some theories suggesting it's a construct of the brain, while others propose it as a real phenomenon with physical counterparts. Modern neuroscience supports the idea of a real, identifiable self, emerging from cognitive brain processes.

Where Is Humanity's Place In The Cosmos?

Humanity's place in the cosmos is unique due to Earth's distinct evolutionary history, suggesting our significance in the universe. This view challenges the Copernican Principle, advocating for a reevaluation of our role and the uniqueness of our planet.

YouTube video presentation here 


00:00 Introduction

00:37 Sponsorship

01:57 What Is The Theory Of Biocentrism?

07:21 Are Dreams An Extension Of Physical Reality?

13:17 Do Time and Space Really Only Exist In Your Mind?

19:52 Is There Only A Series Of Eternal ‘Nows’?

24:44 Is Death Merely Transport Into Another Universe?

29:31 Are You Immortal According To Quantum Physics?

38:44 Is A Biocentric “Theory Of Everything” Possible?

46:48 What Is Life?

52:48 Is “Self” Real?

1:03:16 Where Is Humanity's Place In The Cosmos?

What Is The Theory Of Biocentrism?

Are Dreams An Extension Of Physical Reality?

Do Time and Space Really Only Exist In Your Mind?

Is There Only A Series Of Eternal ‘Nows’?

Is Death Merely Transport Into Another Universe?

Are You Immortal According To Quantum Physics?

Is A Biocentric “Theory Of Everything” Possible?

What Is Life?

Is “Self” Real?

Where Is Humanity's Place In The Cosmos?

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