Saturday, June 17, 2023

TTB : The Mother and Child, and the Original of the Child.

The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop

Chapter II

 Section II

The Mother and Child, and the Original of the Child.

While this was the theory, the first person in the Godhead was practically overlooked. As the Great Invisible, taking no immediate concern in human affairs, he was "to be worshipped through silence alone," that is, in point of fact, he was not worshipped by the multitude at all. The same thing is strikingly illustrated in India at this day. Though Brahma, according to the sacred books, is the first person of the Hindoo Triad, and the religion of Hindostan is called by his name, yet he is never worshipped, and there is scarcely a single Temple in all India now in existence of those that were formerly erected to his honour. So also is it in those countries of Europe where the Papal system is most completely developed. In Papal Italy, as travellers universally admit (except where the Gospel has recently entered), all appearance of worshipping the King Eternal and Invisible is almost extinct, while the Mother and the Child are the grand objects of worship. Exactly so, in this latter respect, also was it in ancient Babylon. The Babylonians, in their popular religion, supremely worshipped a Goddess Mother and a Son, who was represented in pictures and in images as an infant or child in his mother's arms. From Babylon, this worship of the Mother and the Child spread to the ends of the earth. In Egypt, the Mother and the Child were worshipped under the names of Isis and Osiris. * In India, even to this day, as Isi and Iswara; ** in Asia, as Cybele and Deoius; in Pagan Rome, as Fortuna and Jupiter-puer, or Jupiter, the boy; in Greece, as Ceres, the Great Mother, with the babe at her breast, or as Irene, the goddess of Peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms; and even in Thibet, in China, and Japan, the Jesuit missionaries were astronished to find the counterpart of Madonna *** and her child as devoutly worshipped as in Papal Rome itself; Shing Moo, the Holy Mother in China, being represented with a child in her arms, and a glory around her, exactly as if a Roman Catholic artist had been employed to set her up. ****

* Osiris, as the child called most frequently Horns. BUNSEN.

** KENNEDY'S Hindoo Mythology. Though Iswara is the husband of Isi, he is also represnted as an infant at her breast.

*** The very name by which the Italians commonly designate the Virgin, is just the translation of one of the titles of the Babylonian goddess. As Baal or Belus was the name of the great male divinity of Babylon, so the female divinity was called Beltis. (HESYCHIUS, Lexicon ) This name has been found in Nineveh applied to the "Mother of the gods" (VAUX’S Nineveh and Persepoli.s); and in a speech attributed to Nebuchadnezzar, preserved in EUSEBII Proeparatio Evangelii, both titles "Belus and Beltis" are conjoined as the titles of the great Babylonian god and goddess. The Greek Belus, as representing the highest title of the Babylonian god, was undoubtedly Baal,

"The Lord." Beltis, therefore, as the title of the female divinity, was equivalent to "Baalti," which, in English, is "My Lady," in Latin, "Mea Domina," and, in Italina, is corrupted into the well known "Madonna." In connection with this, it may be observed, that the name of Juno, the classical "Queen of Heaven," which, in Greek, was Hera, also signified "The Lady"; and that the peculiar title of Cybele or Rhea at Rome, was Domina or "The Lady." (OVID, Fasti) Further, there is strong reason to believe, that Athena, the well known name of Minerva at Athens, had the very same meaning. 


 話雖如此,神格第一人卻幾乎被忽略了。 作為偉大的無形者,不直接關心人類事務,他“只能通過沉默來崇拜”,也就是說,事實上,他根本沒有受到大眾的崇拜。 今天,同樣的事情在印度得到了驚人的說明。 雖然梵天,根據神聖的書籍,是印度教三合會的第一人,印度斯坦的宗教也以他的名字命名,但他從未受到崇拜,現在全印度幾乎沒有一座寺廟存在這些 那是以前為他的榮譽而豎立的。 教皇制度最發達的歐洲國家也是如此。 在教皇制的意大利,正如旅行者普遍承認的那樣(福音最近進入的地方除外),所有崇拜永恆和無形之王的形象幾乎絕跡,而聖母和聖子則是崇拜的偉大對象。 就後一方面而言,古代巴比倫也是如此。 巴比倫人,在他們流行的宗教中,至高無上地崇拜一位女神母親和一個兒子,他們在圖畫和圖像中被描繪成母親懷抱中的嬰兒或孩子。 這種對母子的崇拜從巴比倫傳到天涯海角。 在埃及,母親和孩子以伊西斯和奧西里斯的名字受到崇拜。 * 在印度,直到今天,仍稱為 Isi 和 Iswara; ** 在亞洲,如 Cybele 和 Deoius; 在異教羅馬,作為 Fortuna 和 Jupiter-puer,或 Jupiter,男孩; 在希臘,作為 Ceres,偉大的母親,懷抱嬰兒,或作為和平女神 Irene,懷抱男孩 Plutus; 甚至在西藏、中國和日本,耶穌會傳教士發現聖母瑪利亞 *** 和她的孩子像在羅馬教皇一樣受到虔誠的崇拜時感到震驚; Shing Moo,中國的聖母,懷中抱著一個孩子,周圍環繞著榮耀,就好像是一位羅馬天主教藝術家被雇用來安置她一樣。 ****

 * Osiris,作為孩子最常稱呼的 Horns。 本生。

 ** 肯尼迪的印度神話。 雖然 Iswara 是 Isi 的丈夫,但他也被描繪成她懷裡的嬰兒。

 *** 意大利人通常用來稱呼聖母的名字,只是巴比倫女神頭銜之一的翻譯。 由於 Baal 或 Belus 是巴比倫偉大男神的名字,所以女神被稱為 Beltis。 (HESYCHIUS, Lexicon) 這個名字在尼尼微被發現,用於“諸神之母”(VAUX'S Nineveh and Persepoli.s); 在保存在 EUSEBII Proeparatio Evangelii 中的尼布甲尼撒的演講中,“Belus 和 Beltis”這兩個頭銜連在一起成為偉大的巴比倫神和女神的頭銜。 代表巴比倫神的最高稱號的希臘貝盧斯無疑是巴力,

 “主。” 因此,Beltis 作為女性神性的稱號,相當於“Baalti”,在英語中是“My Lady”,在拉丁語中是“Mea Domina”,在 Italina 中,它被腐蝕成眾所周知的“ 麥當娜。” 與此相關,可以看出,朱諾的名字,即古典的“天后”,在希臘語中是赫拉,也表示“女士”; Cybele 或 Rhea 在羅馬的特殊頭銜是 Domina 或“女士”。 (OVID, Fasti) 此外,有充分的理由相信雅典娜,即雅典密涅瓦的眾所周知的名字,具有完全相同的含義。
 (255 個中的第 22 個)(22 of 255) 

The Hebrew Adon, "The Lord," is, with the points, pronounced Athon. We have evidence that this name was known to the Asiatic Greeks, from whom idolatry, in a large measure, came into European Greece, as a name of God under the fonn of "Athan." Eustathius, in a note on the Periergesis of Dionysius, speaking of local names in the district of Laodicea, says the "Athan is god." The feminine of Athan, "The Lord," is Athan, "The Lady," which in the Attic dialect, is Athena. No doubt, Minerva is commonly represented as a virgin; but, for all that, we leam from Strabo that at Hierapytna in Crete (the coins of which city, says Muller, Dorians have the Athenian symbols of Minerva upon them), she was said to be the mother of the Corybantes by Helius, or "The Sun." It is certain that the Egyptian Minerva, who was the prototype of the Athenian goddess, was a mother, and was styled "Goddess Mother," or "Mother of the Gods."

**** CRABB'S Mythology. Gutzlaff thought that Shing Moo must have been borrowed from a Popish source; and there can be no doubt, that in the individual case to which he refers, the Pagan and the Christian stories had been amalgamated. But Sir. J. F. Davis shows that the Chinese of Canton find such an analogy between their own Pagan goddess Kuanyin and the Popish Madonna, that, in conversing with Europeans, they frequently call either of them indifferently by the same title. DAVIS’ China. The first Jesuit missionaries to China also wrote home to Europe, that they found mention in the Chinese sacred books—books unequivocally Pagan—of a mother and child, very similar to their own Madonna and child at home.

One of the names of the Chinese Holy Mother is Ma Tsoopo; in regard to which, see note below.

 希伯來語 Adon,“主”,連同點一起發音為 Athon。 我們有證據表明,亞洲希臘人知道這個名字,在很大程度上,偶像崇拜是從他們那裡進入歐洲希臘的,作為上帝的名字,以“Athan”的形式出現。 Eustathius 在關於 Dionysius 的 Periergesis 的註釋中談到老底嘉地區的當地名字時說“Athan 是神”。 Athan 的女性,“主”是 Athan,“女士”,在阿提卡方言中是雅典娜。 毫無疑問,密涅瓦通常被描繪成處女。 但是,儘管如此,我們還是從斯特拉波那裡得知,在克里特島的希拉皮特納(穆勒說,該城市的硬幣上有密涅瓦的雅典符號),赫利烏斯說她是科里班特斯的母親,或者 “太陽。” 可以肯定的是,作為雅典女神原型的埃及密涅瓦是一位母親,被稱為“女神之母”或“眾神之母”。

**** 螃蟹的神話。 Gutzlaff 認為 Shing Moo 一定是從 Popish 來源借來的; 毫無疑問,在他提到的個案中,異教徒和基督教的故事已經融合在一起。 但是先生。 J. F. 戴維斯表明,廣州的中國人在他們自己的異教女神觀音和教皇聖母之間找到了這樣的類比,以至於在與歐洲人交談時,他們經常用相同的頭銜冷漠地稱呼他們中的任何一個。 戴維斯的中國。 第一批到中國的耶穌會傳教士也寫信給歐洲,他們在中國的聖書——毫無疑問是異教徒的書——中提到了一對母親和孩子,這與他們自己家裡的聖母和孩子非常相似。

 中國聖母的名字之一是馬草坡; 關於這一點,請參見下面的註釋。


Shing Moo and Ma Tsoopo of China

The name of Shing Moo, applied by the Chinese to their "Holy Mother," compared with another name of the same goddess in another province of China, strongly favours the conclusion that Shing Moo is just a synonym for one of the well kn own names of the goddess-mother of Babylon. Gillespie (in his Land of Sinim ) states that the Chinese goddess-mother, or "Queen of Heaven," in the province of Fuh-kien, is worshipped by seafaring people under the name of Ma Tsoopo. Now, "Ama Tzupah" signifies the "Gazing Mother"; and there is much reason to believe that Shing Moo signifies the same; for Mu was one of the forms in which Mut or Maut, the name of the great mother, appeared in Egypt (BUNSEN’S Vocabulary)-, and Shngh, in Chaldee, signifies "to look" or "gaze." The Egyptian Mu or Maut was symbolised either by a vulture, or an eye surrounded by a vulture's wings (WILKINSON). The symbolic meaning of the vulture may be learned from the Scriptural expression: "There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen" (Job 28:7). The vulture was noted for its sharp sight, and hence, the eye surrounded by the vulture's wings showed that, for some reason or other, the great mother of the gods in Egypt had been known as "The gazer." But the idea contained in the Egyptian symbol had evidently been borrowed from Chaldea; for Rheia, one of the most noted names of the Babylonian mother of the gods, is just the Chaldee form of the Hebrew Rhaah, which signifies at once "a gazing woman" and a "vulture." The Hebrew Rhaah itself is also, according to a dialectical variation, legitimately pronounced Rheah; and hence the name of the great goddess-mother of Assyria was sometimes Rhea, and sometimes Rheia. In Greece, the same idea was evidently attached to Athena or Minerva, whom we have seen to have been by some regarded as the Mother of the children of the sun. For one of her distinguishing titles was Ophthalmitis (SMITH'S Classical Dictionary, "Athena"), thereby pointing her out as the goddess of "the eye." 
(23 of 255)


 中國的 Shing Moo 和 Ma Tsoopo

 Shing Moo 的名字,被中國人用於他們的“聖母”,與中國另一個省份同一女神的另一個名字相比,強烈支持這樣的結論,即 Shing Moo 只是其中一個眾所周知的名字的同義詞 巴比倫的女神之母。 Gillespie(在他的 Land of Sinim 中)指出,福建省的中國女神母親,或“天后”,以 Ma Tsoopo 的名義受到航海者的崇拜。 現在,“Ama Tzupah”表示“凝視的母親”; 並且有充分的理由相信 Shing Moo 表示相同; 因為 Mu 是偉大母親的名字 Mut 或 Maut 在埃及出現的形式之一(BUNSEN 的詞彙),而 Shngh 在迦勒底語中表示“看”或“凝視”。 埃及人 Mu 或 Maut 的象徵要么是一隻禿鷹,要么是一隻被禿鷹翅膀包圍的眼睛 (WILKINSON)。 禿鷹的象徵意義可以從經文中得知:“有一條路,飛鳥不曉得,鷹眼也未曾看見”(約伯記 28:7)。 禿鷹以其敏銳的視力而聞名,因此,被禿鷹翅膀包圍的眼睛表明,出於某種原因,埃及諸神的偉大母親被稱為“凝視者”。 但埃及符號中包含的思想顯然是從迦勒底借來的; 因為 Rheia 是巴比倫眾神之母最著名的名字之一,它恰好是希伯來語 Rhaah 的迦勒底語形式,它同時表示“凝視的女人”和“禿鷹”。 根據辯證法的不同,希伯來語 Rhaah 本身也可以合法地發音為 Rheah; 因此,亞述偉大的女神母親的名字有時是 Rhea,有時是 Rheia。 在希臘,同樣的想法顯然與雅典娜或密涅瓦有關,我們已經看到他們被一些人視為太陽之子的母親。 因為她的顯著頭銜之一是 Ophthalmitis(史密斯古典詞典,“雅典娜”),從而指出她是“眼睛”的女神。
 (255 個中的第 23 個) (23 of 255)

It was no doubt to indicate the same thing that, as the Egyptian Maut wore a vulture on her head, so the Athenian Minerva was represented as wearing a helmet with two eyes, or eye-holes, in the front of the helmet. (VAUX’S Antiquities )

Having thus traced the gazing mother over the earth, is it asked, What can have given origin to such a name as applied to the mother of the gods? A fragment of Sanchuniathon, in regard to the Phoenician mythology, furnishes us with a satisfactory reply. There it is said that Rheia conceived by Kronos, who was her own brother, and yet was known as the father of the gods, and in consequence brought forth a son who was called Muth, that is, as Philo-Byblius correctly interprets the word, "Death." As Sanchuniathon expressly distinguishes this "father of the gods" from "Hypsistos," The Most High, * we naturally recall what Hesiod says in regard to his Kronos, the father of the gods, who, for a certain wicked deed, was called Titan, and cast down to hell. ( Theogonia )

* In reading Sanchuniathon, it is necessary to bear in mind what Philo-Byblius, his translator, states at the end of the Phenician History—\\z., that history and mythology were mingled together in that work.

The Kronos to whom Hesiod refers is evidently at bottom a different Kronos from the human father of the gods, or Nimrod, whose history occupies so large a place in this work. He is plainly none other than Satan himself; the name Titan, or Teitan, as it is sometimes given, being, as we have elsewhere concluded, only the Chaldee fonn of Sheitan, the common name of the grand Adversary among the Arabs, in the very region where the Chaldean Mysteries were originally concocted,—that Adversary who was ultimately the real father of all the Pagan gods,—and who (to make the title of Kronos, "the Homed One," appropriate to him also) was symbolised by the Kerastes, or Horned serpent. All "the brethren" of this father of the gods, who were implicated in his rebellion against his own father, the "God of Heaven," were equally called by the "reproachful" name "Titans"; but, inasmuch as he was the ringleader in the rebellion, he was, of course, Titan by way of eminence. In this rebellion of Titan, the goddess of the earth was concerned, and the result was that (removing the figure under which Hesiod has hid the fact) it became naturally impossible that the God of Heaven should have children upon earth-a plain allusion to the Fall.

Now, assuming that this is the "Father of the gods," by whom Rhea, whose common title is that of the Mother of the gods, and who is also identified with Ge, or the Earth-goddess, had the child called Muth, or Death, who could this "Mother of the gods" be, but just our Mother Eve? And the name Rhea, or "The Gazer," bestowed on her, is wondrously significant. It was as "the gazer" that the mother of mankind conceived by Satan, and brought forth that deadly birth, under which the world has hitherto groaned. It was through her eyes that the fatal connection was first fonned between her and the grand Adversary, under the form of a serpent, whose name, Nahash, or Nachash, as it stands in the Hebrew of the Old Testament, also signifies "to view attentively," or "to gaze" (Genesis 3:6) "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and pleasant to the eyes" &c., "she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat." Here, then, we have the pedigree of sin and death; "Lust, when it had conceived, brought forth sin; and sin, when it was finished, brought forth death" (James 1:15). Though Muth, or Death, was the son of Rhea, this progeny of hers came to be regarded, not as Death in the abstract, but as the god of death; therefore, says Philo-Byblius, Muth was interpreted not only as death, but as Pluto. (SANCHUN) In the Roman mythology, Pluto was regarded as on a level, for honour, with Jupiter (OVID, Fasti); and in Egypt, we have evidence that Osiris, "the seed of the woman," was the "Lord of heaven," and king of hell, or "Pluto" (WILKINSON; BUNSEN); and it can be shown by a large induction of particulars (and the reader has somewhat of the evidence presented in this volume), that he was none other than the Devil himself, supposed to have become incarnate; who, though through the first transgression, and his connection with the woman, he had brought sin and death into the world, had, nevertheless, by means of them, brought innumerable benefits to mankind. As the name Pluto has the very same meaning as Saturn, "The hidden one," so, whatever other aspect this name had, as applied to the father of the gods, it is to Satan, the Hidden Lord of hell, ultimately that all came at last to be traced back; for the different myths about Saturn, when carefully examined, show that he was at once the Devil, the father of all sin and idolatry, who hid himself under the disguise of the serpent,—and Adam, who hid himself among the trees of the garden,—and Noah, who lay hid for a whole year in the ark,—and Nimrod, who was hid in the secrecy of the Babylonian Mysteries. It was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed. He was known as Nin, "the son," and his wife as Rhea, who was called Aminas, "The Mother." The name Rhea, as applied to Semiramis, had another meaning from what it had when applied to her, who was really the primeval goddess, the "mother of gods and men." But yet, to make out the full majesty of her character, it was necessary that she should be identified with that primeval goddess; and, therefore, although the son she bore in her anns was represented as he who was born to destroy death, yet she was often represented with the very symbols of her who brought death into the world. And so was it also in the different countries where the Babylonian system spread.

毫无疑问,正如埃及人玛乌特头上戴着一只秃鹰一样,雅典的密涅瓦被描绘成戴着一顶头盔,头盔前面有两只眼睛,或眼孔。 (沃克斯古物)

 在地球上如此追寻凝视的母亲之后,有人会问,什么可以给众神之母这样一个名字的起源? Sanchuniathon 的一个片段,关于腓尼基神话,给了我们一个满意的答复。 据说 Rheia 与 Kronos 怀孕,Kronos 是她自己的兄弟,但被称为众神之父,因此生下了一个儿子,名叫 Muth,也就是 Philo-Byblius 正确解释了这个词 , “死亡。” 由于 Sanchuniathon 明确地将这位“众神之父”与“至高者”“Hypsistos”区分开来,*我们自然会想起 Hesiod 关于他的众神之父 Kronos 所说的话,他因某种邪恶行为而被称为 Titan ,并坠入地狱。 ( Theogonia )

 * 在阅读 Sanchuniathon 时,有必要牢记他的译者 Philo-Byblius 在腓尼基历史的结尾所说的话——\\z.,历史和神话在那部作品中混合在一起。

 赫西奥德所指的克洛诺斯显然本质上是一个不同于人类众神之父或尼姆罗德的克洛诺斯,后者的历史在这部作品中占有如此重要的地位。 他显然不是别人,正是撒旦本人。 Titan 或 Teitan 的名称,正如我们在其他地方得出的结论,只是 Sheitan 的 Chaldee fonn,阿拉伯人中大对手的通用名称,就在最初炮制迦勒底奥秘的地区 ,——那个最终成为所有异教诸神的真正父亲的对手,——以及他(使克罗诺斯的头衔“归宿者”也适合他)以角蛇(Kerastes)或有角的蛇为象征。 这位众神之父的所有“弟兄们”都被牵连起来反抗他自己的父亲“天神”,他们同样被冠以“可耻”的名字“泰坦”; 但是,由于他是叛乱的头目,他当然是显赫的泰坦。 在泰坦的这次反叛中,大地女神受到牵连,结果(去掉赫西奥德隐瞒事实的数字)天神自然不可能在人间生儿育女了——直白的暗指 秋天。

 现在,假设这是“众神之父”,瑞亚(Rhea 的共同头衔是众神之母,也被认为是 Ge,或大地女神)生下了一个名叫穆斯的孩子, 或死亡,这位“众神之母”除了我们的夏娃之母还能是谁? 授予她的名字 Rhea 或“The Gazer”意义非凡。 人类之母被撒旦孕育为“注视者”,生下了世界迄今一直在其下呻吟的致命出生。 正是通过她的眼睛,她和伟大的对手之间第一次建立了致命的联系,在蛇的形式下,它的名字 Nahash 或 Nachash,因为它代表旧约的希伯来语,也表示“查看 留心”或“观看”(创世记 3:6)“妇人见这树好作食物,又悦目”等等,“就摘下树上的果子吃了;并且 也给了她丈夫,他也吃了。” 在这里,我们有罪与死的谱系; “情欲既怀胎,就生出罪来;罪既既成,就生出死来”(雅各书 1:15)。 尽管穆斯,或死神,是瑞亚的儿子,但她的这个后代不再被视为抽象的死神,而是被视为死神。 因此,Philo-Byblius 说,Muth 不仅被解释为死亡,而且被解释为冥王星。 (SANCHUN) 在罗马神话中,冥王星被认为与木星处于同一水平,以示荣誉(OVID,Fasti); 在埃及,我们有证据表明“女人的后裔”奥西里斯是“天堂之主”和地狱之王,或“冥王星”(WILKINSON;BUNSEN);通过对细节的大量归纳(读者已经掌握了本书中提供的一些证据)可以表明,他不是别人,正是魔鬼本人,据说已经化身; 他虽然通过第一次犯罪和与女人的联系,将罪恶和死亡带入了这个世界,但是,通过它们,他为人类带来了无数的好处。 由于冥王星这个名字与土星具有相同的含义,“隐藏的那个”,所以,无论这个名字有什么其他方面,适用于众神之父,它是撒旦,地狱的隐藏之主,最终是所有 终于来追溯; 因为关于萨图恩的不同神话,如果仔细研究,就会发现他既是魔鬼,又是所有罪恶和偶像崇拜之父,披着蛇的伪装隐藏自己,而亚当则是隐藏在神树中的亚当。 花园,以及在方舟中藏了整整一年的诺亚,以及被藏在巴比伦秘密中的宁录。 整个迦勒底罪孽制度的形成都是为了荣耀宁录。 他被称为 Nin,“儿子”,他的妻子 Rhea,被称为 Aminas,“母亲”。 用于塞米拉米斯的 Rhea 这个名字与它用于她时的含义不同,她实际上是原始女神,“诸神与人类之母”。 但是,要显示出她性格的全部威严,就必须将她与那位原始女神相提并论。 因此,虽然她在她的人生中所生的儿子被描绘成为消灭死亡而生的儿子,但她的形象却常常是她将死亡带入世界的象征。 在巴比伦制度传播的不同国家也是如此。

 (255 之 25)(25 of 255)

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