Saturday, December 16, 2023

What is life without God? 没有神的生活是什么?

 What is life without God?

If there is no God,we are here From Nothing!

 Today's cutting-edge scientists tell us the universe came from Nothing. Literally, nothing exploded some13.8 billion years ago in the BigBang, and all the galaxies, stars,planets, and even time itself, cameinto existence from Nothing!

 "And everyone now believes that the universe and time itself had a beginning at the Big Bang. ~ Stephen Hawking, The Nature of Space and Time

" The most peculiar situation is taken by many astronomers to represent the origin of the universe. The universe is supposed to have begun at this particular time. From where? The usual answers, surely an unsatisfactory one, is: from nothing! ~ Sir Fred Hoyle, Astronomy Today

If there is no God, we are here By Nothing!









  Darwinian evolutionists tell us that about 3.5 billion years ago, the chemicals in some warm pond manage to synthesize or come together to form the first self-replicating life. And from there, every living creature evolved into existence as depicted in the Darwinian Tree of Life.





































  In short, we are just part of a longline of unplanned biological accidents from LUCA (last universal common ancestor) to Lucy (the supposedly missing link between ape and man) to finally Lily (your neighbor)all created by Nothing! In a word, nothing made us!

 ( 02 ) 

If there is no God, we are here For Nothing!

If we are From Nothing (Big Bang) and By Nothing (DarwinianEvolution), then we are logically here For Nothing (Purposeless).We are just walking molecules, birthed through a cosmic accident, dancing to the music of our DNA, and destined to disappear in a cosmic blink, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Simply put, if there is no God, we are: From Nothing,By Nothing, and For Nothing!

" If God does not exist, then you are just a miscarriage of nature, thrust into a purposeless universe to live a purposeless life. ~ William Lane Craig, The Absurdity of Life without God

" If you really think about evolution and why we human beings are here, you have to come to the conclusion that we are here for absolutely no reason at all. ~ Susan Blackmore, The Independent


If there is no God, we are just our brain.

Our first-person identity is an illusion created by a pack of deluded neurons in our brain that thinks it is real. All our experiences of purpose and meaning, or joy and sadness, are nothing more than the buzzing electrochemical activities in the neurons of our brain. If there is no God, we are just our brain! We are just a deluded 'Siri' that thinks it is real.

Our realities are about a collection of molecules in our head making sense of the world around us. There are no colors, no emotions, and no experiences out there. All our human experiences exist only in our illusory brains!

Mental Activities = Brain Activities= Molecules in Motion = Deluded Neurons = Us

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If there is no God, life is just a game of Monopoly.

In the game of Monopoly, we attempt to get rich by acquiring as many houses and lands as possible. The winner will be the one who has gained the most. But those material acquisitions are just illusory. When the game is over, we pack up our assets and tuck them away. It was just a game.


When life is over, we pack up our 'houses and lands' and leave this world empty-handed - we can take nothing with us.

"As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand. ~ Ecclesiastes 5:15

A story was told during the funeral of a rich tycoon. An acquaintance asked a close relative of the deceased how much the deceased had left behind. "Everything! he took nothing with him", came the instructive reply.

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没有神的生活是什么?Méiyǒu shén de shēnghuó shì shénme? 


Rúguǒ méiyǒu shàngdì, wǒmen jiù cóng wú dào yǒu!

  今天的尖端科学家告诉我们,宇宙是从虚无中诞生的。Jīntiān de jiānduān kēxuéjiā gàosù wǒmen, yǔzhòu shì cóng xūwú zhōng dànshēng de.

从字面上看,大约138亿年前的大爆炸中,没有任何东西爆炸,所有的星系、恒星、行星,甚至时间本身,都是从虚无中诞生的!Cóng zìmiàn shàng kàn, dàyuē 138 yì nián qián de dà bàozhà zhōng, méiyǒu rènhé dōngxī bàozhà, suǒyǒu de xīngxì, héngxīng, xíngxīng, shènzhì shíjiān běnshēn, dōu shì cóng xūwú zhōng dànshēng de!

 " 现在每个人都相信宇宙和时间本身在大爆炸时就有了开始。~ 史蒂芬·霍金,空间和时间的本质 Xiànzài měi gèrén dōu xiāngxìn yǔzhòu hé shíjiān běnshēn zài dà bàozhà shí jiù yǒule kāishǐ.

  " 最奇特的情况被许多天文学家用来代表宇宙的起源。zuì qítè de qíngkuàng bèi xǔduō tiānwénxué jiāyòng lái dàibiǎo yǔzhòu de qǐyuán.  宇宙应该是在这个特定时间开始的。Yǔzhòu yīnggāi shì zài zhège tèdìng shíjiān kāishǐ de. 从哪里?Cóng nǎlǐ? 通常的答案肯定是不能令人满意的,那就是:从无到有!Tōngcháng de dá'àn kěndìng shì bùnéng lìng rén mǎnyì de, nà jiùshì: Cóng wú dào yǒu!  ~ 弗雷德·霍伊尔爵士《今日天文学》Fú léi dé·huò yī ěr juéshì,“jīnrì tiānwénxué”   

如果没有上帝,我们就凭空存在!Rúguǒ méiyǒu shàngdì, wǒmen jiù píngkōng cúnzài!

 蜘蛛 Zhīzhū


 螃蟹和龙虾 pángxiè hé lóngxiā


 哺乳动物 bǔrǔ dòngwù


 爬行动物 páxíng dòngwù


 达尔文进化论者告诉我们,大约 35 亿年前,一些温暖池塘中的化学物质成功合成或聚集在一起,形成了第一个自我复制的生命。 从那里开始,每一种生物都进化成达尔文生命树中描述的存在。

 鸟类 Niǎo lèi


 昆虫 kūn chóng


 分段蠕虫 fēn duàn rúchóng


 青蛙和新闻 qīngwā hé xīnwén




 软体动物 ruǎntǐ dòngwù


 海鞘 hǎiqiào


 蛔虫 huíchóng


 苔藓虫 táixiǎn chóng


 海星和海胆 hǎixīng hé hǎidǎn


 灯壳 dēng ké


 扁虫 biǎn chóng


 线形蠕虫 xiànxíng rúchóng


 梳子果冻 shūzi guǒdòng


 海蜇和海葵 hǎizhē hé hǎi kuí


 海绵 hǎimián


 原生动物 yuánshēng dòngwù


 第一个真正的“细胞” dì yī gè zhēnzhèng de “xìbāo”

 简而言之,我们只是一长串意外生物事故的一部分,从卢卡(最后的普遍共同祖先)到露西(据说是猿与人之间缺失的一环),最后是莉莉(你的邻居),所有这些都是由虚无创造的! jiǎn ér yán zhī, wǒmen zhǐshì yī cháng chuàn yìwài shēngwù shìgù de yībùfèn, cóng lú kǎ (zuìhòu de pǔbiàn gòngtóng zǔxiān) dào lù xī (jùshuō shì yuán yǔ rén zhī jiān quēshī de yī huán), zuìhòu shì lìlì (nǐ de línjū), suǒyǒu zhèxiē dōu shì yóu xūwú chuàngzào de! 总而言之,没有什么造就了我们! Zǒng'éryánzhī, méiyǒu shé me zàojiùle wǒmen!

 ( 02 )

如果没有上帝,我们就毫无意义!Rúguǒ méiyǒu shàngdì, wǒmen jiù háo wú yìyì!

 如果我们是从无(大爆炸)和由无(达尔文进化论)而来,那么我们在逻辑上就在这里为无(无目的)。Rúguǒ wǒmen shì cóng wú (dà bàozhà) hé yóu wú (dá'ěrwén jìnhuàlùn) ér lái, nàme wǒmen zài luójí shàng jiù zài zhèlǐ wéi wú (wú mùdì). 我们只是行走的分子,通过宇宙事故诞生,随着我们 DNA 的音乐跳舞,注定要 眨眼之间就消失了,仅此而已,仅此而已。Wǒmen zhǐshì xíngzǒu de fēnzǐ, tōngguò yǔzhòu shìgù dànshēng, suízhe wǒmen DNA de yīnyuè tiàowǔ, zhùdìng yào zhǎyǎn zhī jiān jiù xiāoshīle, jǐn cǐ éryǐ, jǐn cǐ éryǐ. 简单地说,如果没有上帝,我们就是:从无而来、凭空而来、为无而存在!Jiǎndān de shuō, rúguǒ méiyǒu shàngdì, wǒmen jiùshì: Cóng wú ér lái, píngkōng ér lái, wéi wú ér cúnzài! 

" 如果上帝不存在,那么你只是自然的流产,被推入一个无目的的宇宙,过着无目的的生活。 ~ 威廉·莱恩·克雷格,《没有上帝的生活的荒谬》Rúguǒ shàngdì bù cúnzài, nàme nǐ zhǐshì zìrán de liúchǎn, bèi tuī rù yīgè wú mùdì de yǔzhòu,guòzhe wú mùdì de shēnghuó. ~ Wēilián·lái'ēn·kè léi gé,“méiyǒu shàngdì de shēnghuó de huāngmiù”

 " 如果你真正思考进化论以及我们人类为何存在于此,你就会得出这样的结论:我们的存在绝对没有任何原因。 ~ 苏珊·布莱克莫尔,《独立报》rúguǒ nǐ zhēnzhèng sīkǎo jìnhuàlùn yǐjí wǒmen rénlèi wèihé cúnzài yú cǐ, nǐ jiù huì dé chū zhèyàng de jiélùn: Wǒmen de cúnzài juéduì méiyǒu rènhé yuányīn. ~ Sū shān·bùláikè mò ěr,“dúlì bào”



Rúguǒ méiyǒu shàngdì, wǒmen jiù zhǐshì wǒmen de dànǎo.

 我们的第一人称身份是由我们大脑中一群被迷惑的神经元产生的幻觉,这些神经元认为它是真实的。Wǒmen de dì yī rén chèn shēnfèn shì yóu wǒmen dànǎo zhōng yīqún bèi míhuò de shénjīng yuán chǎnshēng de huànjué, zhèxiē shénjīng yuán rènwéi tā shì zhēnshí de.  我们所有的目的和意义的经历,或者快乐和悲伤,无非是我们大脑神经元中嗡嗡作响的电化学活动。Wǒmen suǒyǒu de mùdì hé yìyì de jīnglì, huòzhě kuàilè he bēishāng, wúfēi shì wǒmen dànǎo shénjīng yuán zhōng wēng wēng zuò xiǎng de diàn huàxué huódòng.  如果没有上帝,我们就只是我们的大脑!Rúguǒ méiyǒu shàngdì, wǒmen jiù zhǐshì wǒmen de dànǎo!  我们只是一个被迷惑的“Siri”,认为它是真实的。Wǒmen zhǐshì yīgè bèi míhuò de “Siri”, rènwéi tā shì zhēnshí de.

 我们的现实是我们头脑中的分子集合,它们理解我们周围的世界。Wǒmen de xiànshí shì wǒmen tóunǎo zhōng de fēnzǐ jíhé, tāmen lǐjiě wǒmen zhōuwéi de shìjiè.  那里没有颜色,没有情感,也没有经历。Nàlǐ méiyǒu yánsè, méiyǒu qínggǎn, yě méiyǒu jīnglì.  我们所有的人类经历都只存在于我们虚幻的大脑中!Wǒmen suǒyǒu de rénlèi jīnglì dōu zhǐ cúnzài yú wǒmen xūhuàn de dànǎo zhōng!

 心理活动 = 大脑活动 = 运动分子 = 迷惑的神经元 = 我们 

Xīnlǐ huódòng = dànǎo huódòng = yùndòng fēnzǐ = míhuò de shénjīng yuán = wǒ men

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(04) dì 5/24 yè


 在大富翁游戏中,我们试图通过获得尽可能多的房屋和土地来致富。 获胜者将是获得最多的人。 但那些物质上的获得只是虚幻的。 游戏结束后,我们会收拾好资产并收起来。 这只是一场游戏。



 “他从母腹中出来,必赤身露体,回去时,也必不带任何劳碌得来的。~传道书 5:15

 在一位富商的葬礼上讲述了一个故事。 一位熟人询问死者的近亲,死者留下了多少东西。 “一切!他什么也没带走”,这是有启发性的回答。

 ( 05 ) 第 6/24 页

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