Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Word of God exposed words of men

 "And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men [a mere] human message, but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers." - The apostle Paul, 1 Thessalonians 2:13 .


My first true introduction to the Christian faith came at a relatively young age through a personal encounter with the holy Scriptures. I still remember, vividly, the experience of being powerfully  convinced in mind and profoundly touched at heart by what I read for myself for the very first time in the Bible. It was the message that God,the Creator, was not only true and living, but that he had such an abounding love for the world he created. He was willing to give up the life of his own Son so that sinners could be reconciled to God through their faith in him. Based on but a moment's reflection on such a promise, - that of a God who loved the world, a God who had a Son whom he gave, and the prospect of eternal life - my personal faith was kindled, my heart rejoiced, and the desire to learn more about this message grew strong. It was not long after this discovery that I began to search and study the Scriptures with great interest. Yet soon after "stumbling" upon this message about God's mercy and loving-kindness expressed in the gift of his dear Son, I began more and more to appreciate the reality of such a tremendously diversified world of religious groups and movements that professed faith in Christ and in the Bible, yet whose members were in serious opposition to one another over matters concerning doctrine.

Of course, I became aware that the Scriptures wisely instructed believers to assemble together in order to encourage one another as we "see the day drawing near." But naturally, - having no prior spiritual instruction or formal religious affiliation - I became intensely concerned over the question of which religious group was truly following Christ, in the hope that too could benefit from their spiritual fellowship and from the faith strengthening, communal 

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