Thursday, September 12, 2024




Introduction ..... VII


Ch. 1: Following Hard after God

Ch. 2: The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing

Ch. 3: Removing the Veil

Ch. 4: Apprehending God.

Ch. 5: The Universal Presence.

Ch. 6: The Speaking Voice.

Ch. 7: The Gaze of the Soul.

Ch. 8: Restoring the Creator-Creature Relation.

Ch. 9: Meekness and Rest.

Ch. 10: The Sacrament of Living.

About the Author


Here is a masterly study of the inner life by a heart thirsting after God, eager to grasp at least the outskirts of His ways, the abyss of His love for sinners, and the height of His unapproachable majesty – and it was written by a busy pastor in Chicago!

Who could imagine David writing the twenty-third Psalm on South Halsted Street, or a medieval mystic finding inspiration in a small study on the second floor of a frame house on that vast, flat checkerboard of endless streets.

Where cross the crowded ways of life

 Where sound the cries of race and clan, 

In haunts of wretchedness and need, 

On shadowed threshold dark with fears, 

And paths where hide the lures of greed...

But even as Dr. Frank Mason North of New York says in his immortal poem, so Mr. Tozer says in this book:

Above the noise of selfish strife 

We hear Thy voice, O Son of Man.

My acquaintance with the author is limited to brief visits and loving fellowship in his church. There I dis- covered a self-made scholar, an omnivorous reader with a remarkable library of theological and devotional books, and one who seemed to burn the midnight oil in pursuit of God. His book is the result of long meditation and much prayer. It is not a collection of sermons. It does not deal with the pulpit and the pew but with the soul thirsty for God. The chapters could be summarized in Moses' prayer, Show me thy glory, or Paul's exclamation, O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! It is theology not of the head but of the heart.

There is deep insight, sobriety of style, and a uni- versality of outlook that is refreshing. The author has few quotations but he knows the saints and mystics of the centuries - Saint Augustine, Nicholas of Cusa, Thomas à Kempis, Friedrich von Hügel, Charles Finney, John Wesley, and many more. The ten chapters are heart searching and the prayers at the close of each are for the closet, not the pulpit. I felt the nearness of God while reading them.

Here is a book for every pastor, missionary, and devout Christian. It deals with the deep things of God and the riches of His grace. Above all, it has the keynote of sincerity and humility.

Samuel M. Zwemer

New York City



简介...... VII


第 1 章:追随神

第 2 章:一无所有的幸福

第 3 章:揭开面纱

第 4 章:领悟神。

第 5 章:宇宙存在。

第 6 章:说话的声音。

第 7 章:灵魂的凝视。

第 8 章:恢复造物主与受造物的关系。

第 9 章:温柔与安息。

第 10 章:生活的圣礼。














这本书有深刻的洞察力、严肃的风格和令人耳目一新的普遍观点。 作者引用的引文很少,但他了解几个世纪以来的圣人和神秘主义者——圣奥古斯丁、库萨的尼古拉斯、托马斯·阿·肯皮斯、弗里德里希·冯·休格尔、查尔斯·芬尼、约翰·卫斯理等等。这十章都是发人深省的,每章结尾的祷告都是为密室而不是讲台而写的。阅读这些祷告时,我感到上帝就在我身边。




 Zhuīqiú shén: 


jiǎnjiè...... VII


Dì 1 zhāng: Zhuīsuí shén

Dì 2 zhāng: Yīwúsuǒyǒu de xìngfú

Dì 3 zhāng: Jiē kāi miànshā

Dì 4 zhāng: Lǐngwù shén.

Dì 5 zhāng: Yǔzhòu cúnzài.

Dì 6 zhāng: Shuōhuà de shēngyīn.

Dì 7 zhāng: Línghún de níngshì.

Dì 8 zhāng: Huīfù zàowùzhǔ yǔ shòu zàowù de guānxì.

Dì 9 zhāng: Wēnróu yǔ ānxí.

Dì 10 zhāng: Shēnghuó de shèng lǐ.

Guānyú zuòzhě


zhè shì yī piān duì nèixīn shēnghuó de jīngmiào yánjiū, zuòzhě shì yī kē kěwàng shàngdì de rén, tā kěwàng zhìshǎo liǎojiě shàngdì zhī dào de wàiwéi, tā duì zuìrén de shēn ài yǐjí tā bùkě jiējìn de wēiyán——érqiě tā shì yóu zhījiāgē yī wèi mánglù de mùshī xiě de!

Shéi néng xiǎngxiàng dà wèi zài nán hā ěr sī tè dé jiē xiě xià dì èrshísān piān shīpiān, huòzhě yī wèi zhōngshìjì shénmì zhǔyì zhě zài nà tiáo guǎngkuò ér píngtǎn de wújìn jiēdào shàng yī dòng mùwū èr lóu de xiǎo shūfáng lǐ zhǎodào línggǎn.

Yǒngjǐ de rénshēng lùshàng,

zhǒngzú hé zōngzú de nàhǎn shēng,

zài bēicǎn hé pínkùn de kùnrǎo zhōng,

zài chōngmǎn kǒngjù de yīn'àn ménkǎn shàng,

zài yǐncáng tānlán yòuhuò de xiǎo lùshàng……

dàn zhèngrú niǔyuē de fúlánkè·méisēn·nuò sī bóshì zài tā bùxiǔ de shīpiān zhōng suǒ shuō, tuō zé xiānshēng zài zhè běn shū zhōng yě shuō:

Zài zìsī fēnzhēng de xuānxiāo zhī shàng,

wǒmen tīng dàole nǐ de shēngyīn, ó, rén zǐ.

Wǒ yǔ zuòzhě de xiāngshí jǐn xiànyú duǎnzàn de bàifǎng hé zài jiàotáng de yǒuqíng jiāoliú. Zài nàlǐ, wǒ fāxiànle yī wèi zìxué chéngcái de xuézhě, yī wèi bólǎn qún shū de dúzhě, yǒngyǒu yīzuò lìng rén jīngtàn de shénxué hé líng xiū shūjí kù, yǐjí yī wèi sìhū wèile zhuīxún shàngdì ér áoyè bùmián de rén. Tā de shū shì chángqí míngxiǎng hé duō cì qídǎo de jiéguǒ. Tā bùshì bùdào jí. Tā bù shèjí jiǎngtán hé jiàotáng cháng dèng, ér shì guānyú kěwàng shàngdì de línghún. Zhèxiē zhāngjié kěyǐ zǒngjié wéi móxī de dǎogào “qiú mí xiǎnmíng mí de róngyào” huò bǎoluó de gǎntàn “shēn zāi! Shàngdì de zhìhuì hé zhīshì duōme fēngfù!” Zhè bùshì tóunǎo de shénxué, ér shì xīnlíng de shénxué.

Zhè běn shū yǒu shēnkè de dòngchá lì, yánsù de fēnggé hé lìng rén ěrmùyīxīn de pǔbiàn guāndiǎn. Zuòzhě yǐnyòng de yǐnwén hěn shǎo, dàn tā liǎojiě jǐ gè shìjì yǐlái de shèngrén hé shénmì zhǔyì zhě——shèng àogǔsīdīng, kù sà de nígǔlāsī, tuōmǎsī·ā·kěn pí sī, fú lǐ délǐ xī·féng·xiū gé ěr, chá'ěrsī·fēn ní, yuēhàn·wèisīlǐ děng děng. Zhè shí zhāng dōu shì fārénshēnxǐng de, měi zhāng jiéwěi de dǎogào dōu shì wèi mìshì ér bùshì jiǎngtái ér xiě de. Yuèdú zhèxiē dǎogào shí, wǒ gǎndào shàngdì jiù zài wǒ shēnbiān.

Zhè shì yī běn shìhé měi yī wèi mùshī, chuánjiào shì hé qiánchéng jīdū tú de shū. Tā shèjí shàngdì de shēn'ào zhī chù hé tā fēngfù de ēndiǎn. Zuì zhòngyào de shì, tā yǐ zhēnchéng hé qiānbēi wèi jīdiào.

Sāi móu ěr·M·zī wéi mò

niǔyuē shì

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